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Title ListVV QI玦 Product IDLargeChemical Engineering (Legacy 1)YChemistry (Legacy 1)Engineering (Legacy 1)Materials Science (Legacy 1)Chemical Engineering (Legacy 2)Chemistry (Legacy 2)Engineering (Legacy 2) Environmental Science (Legacy 1)Materials Science (Legacy 2)Engineering (Legacy 3)Chemical Engineering pre-2007*Chemistry pre-2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead),Engineering pre-2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead)6Environmental Science pre-2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead)2Materials Science pre-2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20072007Chemistry 2007(Engineering 2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2007.Materials Science 2007 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20082008Chemistry 2008(Engineering 2008 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2008.Materials Science 2008 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20092009Chemistry 2009(Engineering 2009 (Elsevier and Woodhead)2Environmental Science 2009 (Elsevier and Woodhead).Materials Science 2009 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20102010Chemistry 2010(Engineering 2010 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2010.Materials Science 2010 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20112011&Chemistry 2011 (Elsevier and Woodhead)(Engineering 2011 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2011.Materials Science 2011 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20122012Chemistry 2012(Engineering 2012 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2012.Materials Science 2012 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20132013Chemistry 2013(Engineering 2013 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Environmental Science 2013.Materials Science 2013 (Elsevier and Woodhead)Chemical Engineering 20142014Chemistry 2014Engineering 2014Environmental Science 2014Materials Science 2014Chemical Engineering 20152015Chemistry 2015Engineering 2015Environmental Science 2015Materials Science 2015Chemical Engineering 20162016Chemistry 2016Engineering 2016Environmental Science 2016Materials Science 2016Chemical Engineering 20172017Chemistry 2017Engineering 2017Environmental Science 2017Materials Science 2017 Book Title Series TitleVolume Author(s)ImprintDivisionCollection Year(s)Subject Collection Available 9780080453101Tellurium in Organic SynthesisBest Synthetic Methods#Nicola Petragnani, H閘io A. StefaniAcademic PressST 9780120883806-Interface Science in Drinking Water Treatment Interface Science and Technology10Gayle Newcombe, David Dixon 9780123705419Particles at Interfaces9Zbigniew Adamczyk 97801237064234Theory of Colloid and Interfacial Electric Phenomena12Hiroyuki Ohshima 9780123725707.Advanced Chemistry of Monolayers at Interfaces14 Toyoko Imae 9780123725721Surface Complexation Modelling11Johannes L黷zenkirchen 97804445166401Handbook for Cleaning/Decontamination of Surfaces#Ingegard Johansson, P. SomasundaranElsevier Science 9780444518712 GranulationHandbook of Powder Technology7Agba D. Salman, Michael Hounslow, Jonathan P.K. Seville 9780444519825Ion Exchange MembranesMembrane Science and TechnologyYoshinobu Tanaka 9780444521149?Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable ResourcesShang-Tian Yang 9780444521514Sorbent Deformation13Andrei V. Tvardovskiy 9780444521781+Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials(Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis1651Dongyuan Zhao, Shilun Qiu, Yi Tang, Chengzhong Yu 9780444521873*Multiscale Modelling of Polymer Properties#Computer Aided Chemical Engineering22 E. Perp鑤eElsevier 9780444522023Waste Engine OilsFrancois Audibert 9780444522122Biocatalysis in Oil Refining164,M. M. Ramirez-Corredores, Abhijeet P. Borole 9780444522177CChemical Product Design: Towards a Perspective through Case Studies23(Ka M. Ng, Rafiqul Gani, Kim Dam-Johansen 97804445222142Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Catalysts and Catalysis163"Burtron H. Davis, Mario L. Occelli 9780444522320?Single Crystal Growth of Semiconductors from Metallic SolutionsSadik Dost, Brian Lent 9780444527103VQuantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) for Pesticide Regulatory PurposesEmilio Benfenati 9780444528278?Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts162]E. Gaigneaux, M. Devillers, D.E. 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Higgins 9780444530684From Zeolites to Porous MOF Materials - The 40th Anniversary of International Zeolite Conference,Proceedings of the 15th International Zeolite Conference170Ruren Xu, Jiesheng Chen, Zi Gao 9780444530783/Proceedings of the Natural Gas Conversion VIII:167FMartin Schmal, Fabio Bellot Noronha, Eduardo Falabella de Souza Aguiar 9780444530790Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Yasar Demirel 9780444530806Particle Breakage1Agba D. Salman, Mojtaba Ghadiri, Michael Hounslow 9780444530844-Catalysts for Upgrading Heavy Petroleum Feeds169Edward Furimsky 9780444530967Chemical Engineering Kohei Ogawa 9780444531575=17th European Symposium on Computed Aided Process Engineering24"Valentin Plesu, Paul Serban Agachi 9780750677660ELudwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical PlantsA. Kayode Coker Ph.D.Gulf Professional Publishing 9780815515388+Handbook of Farm, Dairy, and Food Machineryn/a Myer KutzWAP 97808155156783Global Regulatory Issues for the Cosmetics Industry1 C.E. 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Helvaci 9780444530103fFractal Analysis of the Binding and Dissociation Kinetics for Different Analytes on Biosensor SurfacesAjit Sadana, Neeti Sadana 9780444530264Rotary Reactor EngineeringDaizo Kunii, Tatsu Chisaki 9780444530578PMetal Nanoclusters in Catalysis and Materials Science: The Issue of Size Control+Benedetto Corain, Guenter Schmid, N Toshima 9780444530585UPast and Present in DeNOx Catalysis: From Molecular Modelling to Chemical Engineering171!Pascal Granger, Vasile P鈘vulescu 9780444530707AInorganic Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and ApplicationsReyes Mallada, Miguel Men閚dez 9780444530813REvaluation of the Effects and Consequences of Major Accidents in Industrial PlantsIndustrial Safety Series8 Joaquim Casal 9780444530875>Pesticide Risk Assessment in Rice Paddies: Theory and Practice!Ettore Capri, Dimitrios Karpouzas 9780444531223 Nanoparticle Technology Handbook<Masuo Hosokawa, Kiyoshi Nogi, Makio Naito, Toyokazu Yokoyama 9780444531889AMechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis S. Ted Oyama 9780444532152?Alkene Polymerization Reactions with Transition Metal Catalysts173 Yury Kissin 9780444532275=18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering25$Bertrand Braunschweig, Xavier Joulia 9780444532978>Zeolites and related materi< als: Trends, targets and challenges174-14Antoine Gedeon, Pascale Massiani, Florence Babonneau 9780444532985174-2 9780750682602&Pinch Analysis and Process Integration Ian C. KempButterworth-Heinemann 9780750683890"Major Accidents to the Environment Ivan Vince 9780750685320'Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied RheologyR P Chhabra, J.F. Richardson 9780750686921Industrial and Process FurnacesPeter Mullinger, Barrie Jenkins 9780750689410Process Intensification&David Reay, Colin Ramshaw, Adam Harvey 9780815515401+Cleanup of Chemical and Explosive MunitionsRichard Albright 97808155154635Safety and Security Review for the Process IndustriesDennis P. Nolan 97808155155552Developments in Surface Contamination and CleaningK.L. Haber, Rajiv Kohli 9781856174640Filters and Filtration HandbookKen Sutherland 9780080467337-Computational Techniques for Multiphase FlowsGuan Heng Yeoh, Jiyuan TU 9780080548197Properties of Polymersvan Krevelen , D.W. 9780123725066Chemical Process EquipmentCJames R. Couper, W. Roy Penney, PhD, James R. Fair, PhD, Stan Walas 9780123725547QChemistry on Modified Oxide and Phosphate Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications17de Farias, Robson 9780123743039JThe Properties of Water and their Role in Colloidal and Biological Systems16Carel Jan van Oss 9780123745330Aspects of Explosives Detection!Maurice Marshall, Jimmie C. Oxley 9780123747211UHMWPE Biomaterials HandbookThe UHMWPE HandbookSteven M. Kurtz 97804445277901Principles of Surface-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyEric Le Ru, Pablo Etchegoin 9780444528407 Wood CoatingsFranco Bulian, Jon Graystone 9780444531421.Liquid Sample Introduction in ICP Spectrometry$Jos-Luis Todoli, Jean-Michel Mermet 9780444531759#Frontiers of Molecular Spectroscopy Jaan Laane 9780444531896Ordered Porous Solids6Valentin Valtchev, Svetlana Mintova, Michael Tsapatsis 9780444532183Liquid MembranesKislik, Vladimir 97804445329236Proceedings of the 1st Annual Gas Processing SymposiumAdvances in Gas Processing=Hassan E. Alfadala, G.V. Rex Reklaitis, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi 9780444532954)Electrocorrosion and Protection of Metals Joseph Riskin 9780444534330=19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering'CCE/Computer Aided Chemical Engineering26Jezowski, Jacek 9780444534729;10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering27de Brito Alves, Rita 9780750685153DManaging Project Delivery: Maintaining Control and Achieving Success Melton, Trish 9780815515333Adhesives Technology HandbookEbnesajjad, SinaWilliam Andrew 97808155156922 Karl Lintner 97808155157225Cosmetics Applications of Laser & Light-Based SystemsGurpreet Ahluwalia 9780815515784+Nanotechnology Applications for Clean WaterKMamadou Diallo, Jeremiah Duncan, Nora Savage, Anita Street, Richard Sustich 9780815515814Handbook of Plastics JoiningTroughton, Michael 9780815515845Skin Aging Handbook Dayan, Nava 9780815515890%Human Toxicology of Chemical MixturesZeliger, Harold 97808155159687Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons Yaws, Carl L. 9780815520252.Handbook of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery Systems 9780815520290Nutritional Cosmetics 9780815520351bHandbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production - Best Practices in The Petroleum IndustryCheremisinoff, Nicholas P 97808155203992Transport Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons 9781856175173.Atomic Force Microscopy in Process EngineeringRichard Bowen, Nidal Hilal 9781856175319What Went Wrong? Trevor Kletz 9781856175678$Purification of Laboratory Chemicals!W. L. F. Armarego, Christina Chai 9780080548203Environanotechnology Fan, Maohong 9780080966823 The MBR Book Judd, Simon 97801238514820Introduction to Practice of Molecular Simulation Satoh, Akira 9780444527851"Fundamentals of Petroleum RefiningFahim, Mohamed 9780444530288cThermodynamics of Non-Equilibrium Processes for Chemists with a Particular Application to Catalysis Parmon, V. 9780444530820Bulatovic, Srdjan M. 9780444531155 Sustainable Water for the Future&Sustainability Science and Engineering!Isabel C. Escobar, Andrea Sch鋐er 9780444531797 Advances in Nanoporous Materials$ANM/Advances in Nanoporous Materials 9780444532626-Handbook of Biosensors and Biosensor Kinetics Sadana, Ajit 9780444534392+Compendium of Trace Metals and Marine Biota1+2Eisler, Ronald 9780444535566+Handbook of Spent Hydroprocessing Catalysts Marafi, Meena 9780444535603"Analytical Modelling of Fuel CellsKulikovsky, Andrei 9780444535658Electric and Hybrid VehiclesPistoia, Gianfranco 9780444535696=20th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering28 Pierucci, S. 97804445358876Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Gas Processing SymposiumAGSP/Advances in Gas ProcessingBenyahia, Farid 9780444536013,SSC/Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis175 Gaigneaux, E. 9780444536211\Characterization of Liquids, Nano- and Microparticulates, and Porous Bodies using Ultrasound SIS/Studies in Interface ScienceDukhin, Andrei S. 9780815520412The Refinery of the FutureSpeight, James 9780080971148Solid-Liquid FiltrationSparks, Trevor 97800809717421Chemical and Process Plant Commissioning HandbookKillcross, Martin 9780123750495 Interface Science and Composites$IST/Interface Science and Technology Park, Soo-Jin 9780123850997Biofuels Pandey, Ashok 9780444527387Trickle Bed Reactors Ranade, Vivek 9780444528827+Lead-Acid Batteries: Science and Technology Pavlov, D. 9780444531261Membrane DistillationKhayet, Mohamed 9780444531612Product and Process Modelling Cameron, Ian 9780444532244Industrial Biofouling Bott, T. Reg 9780444533630Heterogeneous Catalysis Ross, Julian 97804445355809Biointerface Characterization by Advanced IR Spectroscopy Pradier, C-M 9780444535634 Fuel Cells Spivey, J.J. 9780444537218.Best Practices for Environmental Project TeamsMassey, Stephen 9780444537287WInorganic Polymeric and Composite Membranes: Structure, Function and Other Correlations#MST/Membrane Science and Technology Oyama, S. Ted 9780444537782Solvent Extraction 9780444537904Handbook of Benzoxazine ResinsIshida, Hatsuo 9780444537980jStable Nanoemulsions: Self-Assembly in Nature and NanomedicineMicrofabrication for Industrial ApplicationsD'Arrigo, Joseph 9780444538956=21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering29 9781437734775Albright, Richard 9781437735208 MicromixersNguyen, Nam-Trung 9781437744576Fluorinated Ionomers Grot, Walther 9781437778427Risks of Hazardous WastesRosenfeld, Paul 9781437778694BSittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and CarcinogensPohanish, Richard 9781437778854aDevelopments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Methods for Removal of Particle Contaminants Kohli, Rajiv 9781856177443.Sustainable Design Through Process IntegrationEl-Halwagi, Mahmoud M. 9780080966595Chemical Engineering Design Sinnott, R K 9780123821614Armarego, W.L.F. 9780123869654!Fluid Catalytic Cracking HandbookSadeghbeigi, Reza 9780123877857%Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers Hall, Steven 9780123918543'Periodic Operation of Chemical ReactorsSilveston, P. L. 9780123969590Couper, James R. 9780123971890/Lees' Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Mannan, Sam 97804445378813Next Generation of International Chemical AdditivesDeRosa, Thomas F. 9780444538468Engineering for SustainabilityJonker, Gerald 9780444543042Water Quality IndicesAbbasi, Tasneem 9780444563255Behling, Noriko Hikosaka 97804445633475Membrane Processes in Biotechnology and PharmaceuticsCharcosset, Catherine 9780444563361 Nogi, Kiyoshi 9780444563477$High-Pressure Fluid Phase Equilibria 9780444563668Principles of Filtration< Tien, Chi 9780444593993Environmental Water Gupta, V.K. 9780444594310=22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering30 9780444594969=Proceedings of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium3 97804445949763The Thermodynamics of Phase and Reaction Equilibria Tosun, Ismail 9780444595058E11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE201231 9780444595256Bioprocess Engineering Liu, Shijie 9781437744590Polylactic Acid 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Future Developments in Catalysis: Catalysis for Remediation and Environmental Concerns Suib, Steven 9780444538727>New and Future Developments in Catalysis: Solar Photocatalysis 9780444538741DNew and Future Developments in Catalysis: Catalysis by Nanoparticles 9780444538765[New and Future Developments in Catalysis: Hybrid Materials, Composites, and Organocatalysts 9780444538789FNew and Future Developments in Catalysis: Catalytic Biomass Conversion 9780444538802TNew and Future Developments in Catalysis: Batteries, Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cells 9780444538826FNew and Future Developments in Catalysis: Activation of Carbon Dioxide 9780444543233(Domino Effects in the Process IndustriesReniers, Genserik 9780444563309SThe Role of Catalysis for the Sustainable Production of Bio-fuels and Bio-chemicalsTriantafyllidis, Kostas 9780444563521Renewable Hydrogen Technologies Gandia, Luis 9780444563644Phase Equilibrium Engineering 9780444593955Monitoring Water QualityAhuja, Satinder 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9780323286596 9780444530837>Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry Theory and Practice 9780444531780CChemistry of Advanced Environmental Purification Processes of Water Sogaard, Erik 9780444537300Starch Polymers Halley, P 9780444538086Polymer Green Flame RetardantsPapaspyrides, Constantine 9780444594136.Hydrothermal and Supercritical Water Processes5 Brunner, Gerd 9780444594860,Particle Formation with Supercritical Fluids*Supercritical Fluid Science and Technology6 Turk, Michael 9780444594983 BiorefineriesQureshi, Nasib 9780444595133Lithium-Ion Batteries 9780444595249!Heterogeneous Catalytic Materials Busca, Guido 9780444595416$Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience Berti, Debora 9780444595577Demirel, Yasar 9780444595614-Bioenergy Research: Advances and Applications Gupta, Vijai 9780444595669;Reactor and Process Design in Sustainable Energy TechnologyShi, Fan 9780444595737IBiophysical Characterization of Proteins in Developing BiopharmaceuticalsHoude, Damian J. 9780444626141HColloid 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P. 9781483227252.The Elucidation of Organic Electrode Processes Zuman, P. 9781483228471Viscoelasticity Bergen, J. T. 9781483231051'Adsorption and Collective ParamagnetismSelwood, Pierce W. 9781483231068-Adsorption from Solutions of Non-ElectrolytesKipling, J. J. 97814832318911Hair-Dyes and Hair-Dyeing Chemistry and TechniqueRedgrove, H. Stanley 9781483232027Ion Exchange Technology Nachod, F. C. 9781483256665Particle Size Enlargement Capes, C. E. 9781483256672Solid桮as Separation 9781483283838;Proceedings from the Ninth International Zeolite ConferenceVon Ballmoos, R. 9781856171977)Handbook of Cosmetic Science & TechnologyKnowlton, J.L. 9781884207150>Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers PDL Staff 9781884207945*Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers< McKeen, Laurence W. 9780080428437#Transport Phenomena in Porous MediaD.B. Ingham/I. PopPre 2007 9780080438788Convective Heat TransferI. Pop / D.B. 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Hocking 9780120973620#Handbook of Pulping and PapermakingChristopher Biermann 9780121569310$Process Modelling and Model AnalysisProcess Systems EngineeringKatalin Hangos, Ian Cameron 9780121569327Process Systems Risk ManagementIan Cameron, Raghu Raman 9780121641375+Computer Modelling of Microporous Materials%C.R.A. Catlow/R.A. van Santen/B. Smit 9780121681104<Air Bubble Entrainment in Free-Surface Turbulent Shear FlowsHubert Chanson 97801220634972Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering H. Ted Davis, Kendall T. Thomson 9780122569715AThe Mechanics of Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosols: An IntroductionWarren H. Finlay 9780122577451Polymer ColloidsColloid Science- Robert Fitch 97801227615220Handbook of Lithium and Natural Calcium ChlorideDonald Garrett 9780123705327Process IntegrationMahmoud M. El-Halwagi 97801237053656Activated Carbon Surfaces in Environmental RemediationTeresa J. Bandosz 9780123705822Tissue Engineering Yoshito Ikada 9780124605237Liquid-Fluid Interfaces-Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science J. Lyklema 9780124605244Solid-Liquid Interfaces 9780124605299Particulate Colloids 9780124605305 Soft Colloids 9780124949508Modeling Axisymmetric FlowsStanley Middleman 9780125031639Radiative Heat TransferMichael Modest 97801254446136Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures/D.A. Palmer/Roberto Fernandez-Prini/A.H. Harvey 9780125769600<Computational Flow Modeling for Chemical Reactor EngineeringVivek V. Ranade 9780125769709Population BalancesDoraiswami Ramkrishna 97801258893087Fundamentals of Ceramic Powder Processing and Synthesis Terry Ring 9780125944601BData Processing and Reconciliation for Chemical Process Operations)Jos A. Romagnoli, Mabel Cristina Sanchez 9780126045857Mathematical ModelingRutherford Aris 9780126137637Engineering Biosensors Ajit Sadana 9780126516456,Heterogeneous Catalysis in Organic ChemistryGerard Smith/Ferenc Notheisz 9780126738421"Organometallic Vapor-Phase EpitaxyGerald Stringfellow 9780340598290Engineering Design Principles Ken Hurst 9780444414281ZPreparation of Catalysts I Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts!B. Delmon, P. Jacobs, G. Poncelet 9780444417336Preparation of Catalysts II,B. Delmon, P. Grange, P. Jacobs, G. Poncelet 9780444418005'The Control of the Reactivity of Solids#V.V. Boldyrev, M. Bulens, B. Delmon 9780444418777'Growth and Properties of Metal Clusters Jean Bourdon 9780444419163Catalysis by ZeolitesNB. Imelik, C. Naccache, Y. Ben Taarit, J.C. Vedrine, G. Coudurier, H. Praliaud 9780444419200Catalyst DeactivationB. Delmon, G.F. Froment 9780444420145 CATALYSIS BY SUPPORTED COMPLEXES-Yu.I. Yermakov, B.N. Kuznetsov, V.A. Zakharov 97804444208796Adsorption at the Gas-Solid and Liquid-Solid InterfaceJ. Rouquerol, K.S.W. Sing 97804444211115Metal-Support and Metal-Additive Effects in CatalysishB. Imelik, C. Naccache, G. Coudurier, H. Praliaud, P. Meriaudeau, P. Gallezot, G.A. Martin, J.C. Vedrine 9780444421128EMetal Microstructures in Zeolites Preparation-Properties-Applications3P.A. Jacobs, N.I. Jaeger, P. Jiru, G. Schulz-Ekloff 97804444216303Adsorption on Metal Surfaces An Integrated ApproachfJ. Benard, Y. Berthier, F. Delarnare, E. Hondros, M. Huber, P. Marcus, A. Masson, J. Oudar, G.E. Rhead 9780444421661Vibrations at SurfacesC.R. Brundle, H. Morawitz 9780444421845\Preparation of Catalysts III Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts#G. Poncelet, P. Grange, P.A. Jacobs 9780444422040<HETEROGENEOUS CATALYTIC REACTIONS INVOLVING MOLECULAR OXYGEN G.I. Golodets 9780444422248Spillover of Adsorbed Species(G.M. Pajonk, S.J. Teichner, J.E. Germain 9780444423511-Structure and Reactivity of Modified Zeolites18BP.A. Jacobs, N.I. Jaeger, P. Jiru, V.B. Kazansky, G. Schulz-Ekloff 9780444424020Catalysis on the Energy SceneS. Kaliaguine, A. Mahay 9780444424495Catalysis by Acids and Bases20AB. Imelik, C. Naccache, G. Coudurier, Y. Ben Taarit, J.C. Vedrine 9780444425126uAdsorption and Catalysis on Oxide Surfaces: Proceedings of a Symposium, Brunel University, Uxbridge, June 28-29, 198421M. Che, G.C. Bond 9780444425232(Unsteady Processes in Catalytic Reactors Yu.Sh. Matros 9780444425294Physics of Solid Surfaces 1984 J. Koukal 97804444256839Zeolites Synthesis, Structure, Technology and Application!B. Drzaj, S. Hocevar, S. Pejovnik 9780444426314Vibrations at Surfaces 1985PD.A. King, N.V. Richardson, S. Holloway, D.A. King, N.V. Richardson, S. Holloway 9780444426826Catalytic Hydrogenation L. Cerveny 9780444427083Metal Clusters in Catalysis"B.C. Gates, L. Guczi, H. Knozinger 9780444427786*Catalysis and Automotive Pollution ControlA. Crucq, A. Frennet 9780444427960Preparation of Catalysts IV.B. Delmon, P. Grange, P.A. Jacobs, G. Poncelet 9780444428004&Thin Metal Films and Gas Chemisorption32 P. Wissmann 97804444281411Synthesis of High-Silica Aluminosilicate Zeolites!Peter A. Jacobs, Johan A. Martens 9780444428554Catalyst Deactivation 1987 9780444429131$Keynotes in Energy-Related Catalysis S. Kaliaguine 9780444429193'Innovation in Zeolite Materials Science379P.J. Grobet, W.J. Mortier, E.F. Vansant, G. Schulz-Ekloff 9780444429353Methane Conversion-D.M. Bibby, C.D. Chang, R.F. Howe, S. Yurchak 9780444429537!Characterization of Porous Solids.K.K. Unger, J. Rouquerol, K.S.W. Sing, H. Kral 9780444429551Catalysis 1987 J.W. Ward 9780444429728Physics of Solid Surfaces 1987 9780444430007*Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals41IM. Guisnet, J. Barrault, C. Bouchoule, D. Duprez, C. Montassier, G. Perot 97804444302507Laboratory Studies of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes42*Erhard G. Christoffel, Zoltan Paal Moldave 9780444500007Absorbent TechnologyTextile Science and TechnologyP.K. Chatterjee, B.S. Gupta 9780444500311Preparation of Catalysts VII118FB. Delmon, P.A. Jacobs, R. Maggi, J.A. Martens, P. Grange, G. Poncelet 9780444500458Colloid and Surface ChemistryStudies in Interface Science7E.D. Shchukin, A.V. Pertsov, E.A. Amelina, A.S. Zelenev 9780444500601>Chemical Technology in the Pre-Treatment Processes of Textiles S.R. Karmakar 9780444500731hReaction Kinetics and the Development of Catalytic Processes, Proceedings of the International Symposium122G.F. Froment, K.C. Waugh 9780444501653gAdsorption and its Applications in Industry and Environmental Protection Vol.I:Applications in Industry120A A. Dabrowski 9780444501660HAdsorption and its Applications in Industry and Environmental Protection120 9780444501783 Hydrocolloids Nishinari, K.< 9780444501844Unsteady-state Fluid Flow Hoffman, E.J. 9780444501936Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment Toward the Mining of the 21st Century - Proceedings of the International Biohydrometallurgy SymposiumR. Amils, A. Ballester 9780444502063+Extractive Metallurgy of Activated Minerals Peter Balaz 9780444502131Catalyst Deactivation 1999126 97804445021481Hydrotreatment and Hydrocracking of Oil Fractions127"B. Delmon, G.F. Froment, P. Grange 9780444502155-Reaction Engineering for Pollution PreventionM.A. Abraham/R.P. Hesketh 9780444502186(Science and Technology in Catalysis 1998121Hideshi Hattori, Kiyoshi Otsuka 9780444502346+Particles at Fluid Interfaces and MembranesP. Kralchevsky, K. Nagayama 97804445023538Handbook of Conveying and Handling of Particulate SolidsA. Levy, H. Kalman 9780444502360*Ion-Exchange Membrane Separation Processes H Strathmann 9780444502384AZeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the Dawn of the 21st Century1350A. Galarneau, F. Di Renzo, F. Fajula, J. Vedrine 97804445024456Porous Materials in Environmentally Friendly Processes1251I. Kiricsi, G. P醠-Borb閘y, J.B. Nagy, H.G. Karge 9780444502575@Hydrophile Lipophile Balance of Surfactants and Solid Particles.M. Kruglyakov 9780444502599#Characterisation of Porous Solids V128"K.K. Unger, G. Kreysa, J.P. Baselt 9780444502728BRecent Advances in Gas Separation by Microporous Ceramic MembranesN.K. Kanellopoulos 9780444503121[Exploratory Analysis of Metallurgical Process Data with Neural Networks and Related Methods C. Aldrich 9780444503213Nanoporous Materials II129&A. Sayari, M. Jaroniec, T.J. Pinnavaia 9780444503510AThe Chemistry and Technology of Furfural and its Many By-Products K.J. Zeitsch 9780444504111'Dynamic Surface Tensiometry in MedicineCV.N. Kazakov, O.V. Sinyachenko, V.B. Fainerman, U. Pison, R. Miller 9780444504265;Fundamentals of Equilibrium and Steady-State Thermodynamics N.W. Tschoegl 97804445042723Spillover and Mobility of Species on Solid Surfaces138$A. Guerrero-Ruiz, I. Rodriguez-Ramos 97804445042893Non-Linear Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamic StabilityBoyadjiev, C.B./Babak, V.N. 9780444504753Fluid Catalytic Cracking V134M.L. Occelli, P. O'Connor 9780444504760"10th European Conference on Mixing"H.E.A. van den Akker, J.J. Derksen 9780444504777Catalyst Deactivation 2001139%J.J. Spivey, G.W. Roberts, B.H. Davis 9780444504807D12th International Congress on Catalysis,Proceedings of the 12th ICC1300A. Corma, F.V. Melo, S. Mendioroz, J.L.G. Fierro 9780444504982?High Pressure Process Technology: fundamentals and applicationsA. Bertucco, G. Vetter 9780444505200<European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 10 S. Pierucci 9780444505446Natural Gas Conversion VI136%E. Iglesia, J.J. Spivey, T.H. Fleisch 9780444505590zReaction Kinetics and the Development and Operation of Catalytic Processes, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium133 9780444505620%Used Battery Collection and Recycling#G. Pistoia, J.P. Wiaux, S.P. Wolsky 97804445063201Oxidebased Systems at the Crossroads of Chemistry140!A. Gamba, C. Colella, S. Coluccia 9780444506511JProceedings of the International Conference on Colloid and Surface Science132 Y. Iwasawa, N. Oyama, H. Kunieda 9780444506993>Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries$O. Fredholm/A. Jacobsson/H.J. Pasman 9780444507013&Ch. Baerlocher, D.H. Olson, W.M. Meier 9780444507020M.M.J. Treacy/J.B. Higgins 9780444507037(Verified Synthesis of Zeolitic Materials H. Robson 9780444507099<European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 11R. Gani 9780444508102'Fundamentals of Salt Water DesalinationH.T. El-Dessouky/H.M. Ettouney 9780444508270GSoftware Architectures and Tools for Computer Aided Process EngineeringB. Braunschweig 9780444508867 97804445094064Planar Lipid Bilayers (BLM's) and Their ApplicationsH.T. Tien, A. OttovaLeitmannova 9780444509482)Novel Methods to Study Interfacial LayersD. Moebius, R. Miller 9780444509628<Surfactants: Chemistry, Interfacial Properties, Applications)D. Möbius, R. Miller, V.B. Fainerman 9780444509703#Complex Wave Dynamics on Thin FilmsH.C. Chang, E.A. Demekhin 9780444509741Optical BiosensorsLigler/Rowe Taitt 9780444510525 9780444511096<European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 12 J. Grievink 9780444511133Nanoporous Materials III141A. Sayari, M. Jaroniec 9780444511409QSurfaces, Chemistry and Applications: Adhesion Science and Engineering (Volume 2) Adhesion Science and EngineeringPocius 9780444511539AComputer Aided Property Estimation for Process and Product DesignGeorgios M. Kontogeorgis 9780444511645OUltrasound for Characterizing Colloids Particle Sizing, Zeta Potential Rheology!Andrei S. Dukhin, Philip J. Goetz 9780444511744Impact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the new Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millennium,Proceedings of the 2nd International FEZA (Federation of the European Zeolite Associations) Conference142 R. Aiello, F. Testa, G. Giordano 9780444511751XNew Insights into Membrane Science and Technology: Polymeric and Biofunctional Membranes(Dibakar Bhattacharyya, Allan Butterfield 9780444511782oScientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium143UE. Gaigneaux, D.E. De Vos, P. Grange, P.A. Jacobs, J.A. Martens, P. Ruiz, G. Poncelet 9780444512567FOrganized Monolayers and Assemblies: Structure, Processes and FunctionDietmar Mobius, Reinhard Miller 9780444512611$Characterization of Porous Solids VI1449F. Rodr韌uez-Reinoso, B. McEnaney, J. Rouquerol, K. Unger 9780444512833Computer Aided Molecular Design Luke Achenie 9780444513090*Chemical Engineering: Visions of the WorldR. Darton/D. Wood/R. Prince 9780444513144'Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies Bohdan Wojciechowski/Norman Rice 9780444513496(Science and Technology in Catalysis 2002145-Masakazu Anpo, Makoto Onaka, Hiromi Yamashita 9780444513540Fischer-Tropsch Technology152Andr Steynberg, Mark Dry 9780444513687<European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 13Andrzej Kraslawski 9780444514042 Process Systems Engineering 200315 A & B Bingzhen Chen 9780444514240BIntroduction to MolecularMicrosimulation for Colloidal DispersionsA. Satoh 9780444514349*Nanotechnology in Mesostructured Materials146CSang-Eon Park, Ryong Ryoo, Wha-Seung Ahn, Chul Wee Lee, J.-S. Chang 9780444514530,Transport Mediated by Electrified InterfacesR.C. Srivastava, R. Rastogi 9780444514653;Dynamic Model Development: Methods, Theory and Applications S.P. Asprey 9780444514738JFluid Catalytic Cracking VI: Preparation and Characterization of Catalysts149 Mario Occelli 9780444514820Stable Gas in Liquid EmulsionsJoseph D'Arrigo 9780444514899-Nano and Micro Engineered Membrane Technology CJM van Rijn 9780444515124?Biosensors: Kinetics of Binding and Dissociation Using Fractals 9780444515575-The Integration of Process Design and ControlPanos Seferlis 9780444515643/Powder Sampling and Particle Size DeterminationT. Allen 97804445157423Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media Gerd Brunner 9780444515995Natural Gas Conversion VII147Xinhe Bao, Yide Xu 97804445160084Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability153*Sang-Eon Park, Jong-San Chang, Kyu-Wan Lee 9780444516053Dmitry Murzin/Tapio Salmi 9780444516060#Interfacial Separation of Particles&Shouci Lu, Robert Pugh, Eric Forssberg 9780444516367'Mineral Processing Design and OperationAshok Gupta/Denis Yan 9780444516459Chemical Energy and Exergy Norio Sato 9780444516480Special Distillation Processes&Zhigang Lei/Biaohua Chen/Zhongwei Ding 9780444516701@Molecular Sieves: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications< 158A Jiri Cejka 9780444516831Insight in Innovation Jan Verloop 9780444516947<European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 14Ana Paula BarbosaP髒oa 9780444516992Petroleum Biotechnology151/Rafael Vazquez-Duhalt, Rodolfo Quintero-Ramirez 9780444517128;Sustainability Science and Engineering: Defining PrinciplesMartin A. Abraham 9780444517159Surface Activity in Drug ActionR.C. Srivastava, A.N. Nagappa 97804445172039Mesoporous Crystals and Related Nano-Structured Materials148Osamu Terasaki 9780444517333ANew Developments and Application in Chemical Reaction Engineering159(Hyun-Ku Rhee, In-Sik Nam, Jong Moon Park 9780444517487Nanoporous Materials IV156Abdel Sayari, Mietek Jaroniec 9780444517852Coal and Coal-Related Compounds150OToshiaki Kabe, Atsushi Ishihara, Eika Weihua Qian, I. Putu Sutrisna, Yaeko Kabe 9780444518255ORecent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials154C&E. van Steen, L.H. Callanan, M. Claeys 9780444518262VRecent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials Part B154B 9780444518279ORecent advances in the science and technology of zeolites and related materials154A 9780444519436$Damped Wave Transport and RelaxationKal Renganathan Sharma 9780444519450NFractal Binding and Dissociation Kinetics for Different Biosensor Applications 9780444519757Oxide Based Materials155/Aldo Gamba, Carmine Colella, Salvatore Coluccia 9780444519870European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering-15, 38th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process EngineeringLuis Puigjaner 9780444520227%Characterization of Porous Solids VII160JPhilip Llewellyn, Francisco Rodriguez-Reinoso, Jean Rouqerol, Nigel Seaton 97804445206233The Corresponding-States Principle and its PracticeHong Wei Xiang 9780444520661AZeolites and Ordered Mesoporous Materials: Progress and Prospects157J. Cejka, Herman Van Bekkum 9780444520838158B 9780444521187!Writing and Presenting in English Petey Young 9780444521194<Critical Temperatures for the Thermal Explosion of ChemicalsTakashi Kotoyori 9780444521569Introduction to Cake FiltrationChi Tien 9780444521767Functional Dyes Sung-Hoon Kim 9780444521804Electrorheological FluidsTian Hao 9780444522030BMembrane Contactors: Fundamentals, Applications and Potentialities"E. Drioli, A. Criscuoli, E. Curcio 9780444522245MPassivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide LayersPhilippe Marcus/Vincent Maurice 97804445222832Design Aspects of Used Lubricating Oil Re-RefiningFiras Awaja/Dumitru Pavel 9780444527165(Nanocomposite Structures and Dispersions Ignac Capek 9780444527516DProgress in Olefin Polymerization Catalysts and Polyolefin Materials161.Takeshi Shiono, Kotohiro Nomura, Minoru Terano 9780444527837&Adsorption, Ion Exchange and Catalysis)Vassilis Inglezakis / Stavros Poulopoulos 9780444527844UBinding and Dissociation Kinetics for Different Biosensor Applications Using Fractals 9780444528292Packed Bed Columns Nikolai Kolev 9780444529695|16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and 9th International Symposium on Process Systems EngineeringWolfgang Marquardt 9780444814913%Characterization of Porous Solids III87;J. Rouquerol, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, K.S.W. Sing, K.K. Unger 9780444815002Food Processing A.G. Gaonkar 9780444815521*New Developments in Selective Oxidation II82!V. Cortes Corberan, S. Vic Bellon 9780444816337Membrane Separations TechnologyR.D. Noble, S.A. Stern 9780444816771/Inorganic Membranes for Separation and Reaction H.P. Hsieh 9780444816825Catalyst Deactivation 199488 9780444818478Zeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994 - Proceedings of the 10th International Zeolite Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 17-22 July 1994841J. Weitkamp, H.G. Karge, H. Pfeifer, W. Holderich 97804448187759Fundamentals of Inorganic Membrane Science and TechnologyA.J. Burggraaf, L. Cot 9780444819222Foam and Foam FilmsD. Exerowa, P.M. Kruglyakov 9780444819284@Characterization and Chemical Modification of the Silica Surface93-E.F. Vansant, P. Van Der Voort, K.C. Vrancken 9780444819475;11th International Congress on Catalysis - 40th Anniversary1013J.W. Hightower, W.N. Delgass, E. Iglesia, A.T. Bell 9780444819567DNew Developments in Construction and Functions of Organic Thin FilmsT. Kajiyama, M. Aizawa 9780444820013)Advanced Zeolite Science and Applications850J.C. Jansen, M. Stocker, H.G. Karge, J. Weitkamp 9780444820099'An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids J.K.G. Dhont 9780444820198.Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control III96A. Frennet, J.-M. Bastin 9780444820495"Catalysis by Microporous Materials94-H.K. Beyer, H.G. Karge, I. Kiricsi, J.B. Nagy 9780444820648FSemiconductor Nanoclusters - Physical, Chemical, and Catalytic Aspects103P.V. Kamat, D. Meisel 9780444820785Preparation of Catalysts VI91:G. Poncelet, J. Martens, B. Delmon, P.A. Jacobs, P. Grange 9780444821058&Advances in Organobromine Chemistry II'J.R. Desmurs, B. Gerard, M.J. Goldstein 9780444821287Interfacial TensiometryA.I. Rusanov, V.A. Prokhorov 97804448213006Zeolites: A Refined Tool for Designing Catalytic Sites97L. Bonneviot, S. Kaliaguine 97804448217991Adsorption on New and Modified Inorganic Sorbents99A. Dabrowski, V.A. Tertykh 9780444821867Fouling of Heat ExchangersChemical Engineering Monographs T.R. Bott 9780444822024Fine Chemicals Manufacture1A. Cybulski/J.A. Moulijn/M.M. Sharma/R.A. Sheldon 9780444822277 Coal ScienceCoal Science and TechnologyJ.A. Pajares, J.M.D. Tascon 9780444822369$Rheology for Polymer Melt ProcessingJ.M. Piau, J.F. Agassant 9780444822437IEquilibria and Dynamics of Gas Adsorption on Heterogeneous Solid Surfaces104'W. RudziDski, W.A. Steele, G. Zgrablich 97804448230835Zeolite Science 1994: Recent Progress and Discussions98H.G. Karge, J. Weitkamp 97804448233357Spillover and Migration of Surface Species on Catalysts112Can Li, Qin Xin 9780444823441fProgress in Zeolite and Microporous Materials,Preceedings of the 11th International Zeolite Conference105H. Chon, S.-K. Ihm, Y.S. Uh 9780444823526Natural Gas Conversion IV107IM. de Pontes, R.L. Espinoza, C.P. Nicolaides, J.H. Scholtz, M.S. Scurrell 97804448235645Applications of Markov Chains in Chemical EngineeringA. Tamir 9780444823731<Thermodynamics of Systems Containing Flexible-Chain Polymers V.J. Klenin 9780444823816ACatalysts in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Industries 19951006M. Absi-Halabi, J. Beshara, H. Qabazard, A. Stanislaus 9780444823908-Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals IV108 H.U. Blaser, A. Baiker, R. Prins 97804448240977Material and Energy Balancing in the Process Industries V.V. Veverka 9780444824219,Introduction to Zeolite Science and Practice1376H. van Bekkum, P.A. Jacobs, E.M. Flanigen, J.C. Jansen 9780444824349 The Roots of Organic DevelopmentJ.R. Desmurs, S. Ratton 9780444824417Amphiphilic Block CopolymersP. Alexandridis/B. Lindman 9780444824752"High Pressure Chemical EngineeringProcess Technology ProceedingsP.R. von Rohr, C. Trepp 9780444824998BRecent Advances and New Horizons in Zeolite Science and Technology102H. Chon, S.I. Woo, S.-E. Park 9780444825216+Non-Invasive Monitoring of Multiphase Flows'Chaouki, J./Larachi, F./Dudukovic, M.P. 9780444825568106"G.F. Froment, B. Delmon, P. Grange 9780444825742>Advances in Chemical Conversions for Mitigating Carbon Dioxide1144T. Inui, M. Anpo, K. Izui, S. Yanagida, T. Yamaguchi 9780444826039Catalyst Deactivation 1997111C.H. Bartholomew, G.A. Fuentes 9780444826091EDynamics of Surfaces and Reaction Kinetics in Heterogeneous Catalys< is109 9780444826619"Fluid Mechanics of ViscoelasticityR.R. Huilgol, N. PhanThien 97804448267948Advances in the Flow and Rheology of NonNewtonian Fluids%D.A. Siginer, D. De Kee, R.P. Chhabra 9780444827722+Third World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis1104R.K. Grasselli, S.T. Oyama, A.M. Gaffney, J.E. Lyons 9780444827951-Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control IV116!N. Kruse, A. Frennet, J.M. Bastin 9780444828026Engineering Data on Mixing+Reiji Mezaki/Masafumi Mochizuki/Kohei Ogawa 9780444828231-Experiments in Catalytic Reaction Engineering124 J.M. Berty 9780444828262 Mesoporous Molecular Sieves 1998117HL. Bonneviot, Frederick A. Beland, C. Danumah, S. Giasson, S. Kaliaguine 9780444828811FRisk Assessment & Management in the Context of the Seveso II Directive.M.D. Christou, G.A. Papadakis, C. Kirchsteiger 9780444828880&Colorants for Non-Textile ApplicationsH.S. Freeman/A.T. Peters 9780444828941)Drops and Bubbles in Interfacial ResearchD. M鯾ius, R. Miller 9780444829207DRecent Advances in Basic and Applied Aspects of Industrial Catalysis113"T.S.R. Prasada Rao, G. Murali Dhar 9780444829306Membrane Biophysics: As Viewed from Experimental Bilayer Lipid Membranes (Planar Lipid Bilayers and Spherical Liposomes) (Membrane Science & Technology) (Hardcover) 9780444829443Proteins at Liquid Interfaces 9780444829450#Rheology: An Historical PerspectiveR.I. Tanner, K. 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M. 97800802237807Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Organic SaltsFranzosini, Paolo 9780080223797>Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils Fats and Derivatives Paquot, C. 9780080223827^Guide to Trivial Names Trade Names and Synonyms for Substances Used in Analytical Nomenclature 97800802238342Redox Indicators. Characteristics and Applications 9780080223865JManual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units 97800802239023Future Sources of Organic Raw Materials: CHEMRAWN ISt-Pierre, L.E. 9780080226309*Functions of Alternative Terminal Oxidases Degn, Hans 9780080226323Affinity ChromatographyHoffmann-Ostenhof, O. 9780080227337Lithium Needs and Resources Penner, S. S. 9780080229300.The Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Processes;MSSS/International Series on the Science of the Solid StateChen, R. 9780080229461Superheavy ElementsLodhi, M. A. K. 9780080229492"Chemistry of the O-Glycosidic BondBochkov, A. F. 9780080229539KApplication of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry 9780080229621$Radiation Chemistry of CarbohydratesKochetkov, N. K. 9780080231808Molecular Diseases Jacobasch, G. 9780080232522"Carbon Dioxide Climate and SocietyWilliams, Jill 9780080235967Raman Spectra of Hydrocarbons Sterin, K. E. 9780080236001)Dielectric Properties of Binary SolutionsAkhadov, Y. Y. 9780080237992BChemistry Biochemistry and Pharmacological Activity of ProstanoidsRoberts, Stanley M. 9780080238425Advanced Mass SpectrometrySchlunegger, Urs P. 9780080238463The Analysis of Explosives Yinon, Jehuda 9780080238500Basic Analytical Chemistry Pataki, L. 9780080239156Oxygen and OzoneBattino, Rubin 9780080239187MAlkali Metal and Ammonium Chlorides in Water and Heavy Water (Binary Systems)Cohen-Adad, R. 97800802392008Alkaline Earth Hydroxides in Water and Aqueous Solutions Lambert, I. 9780080239217Metals in Mercury Hirayama, C. 9780080239248Oxides of Nitrogen Young, C. 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Bryan 9780120408054*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1974Hegedus, Louis S. 9780120408061*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1975 9780120408078*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1976 9780120408085(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis1977 9780120408092*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1978 Wade, L. G. 9780120408108*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1979 9780120408115*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1980 9780120408122*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1981 9780120408139(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis1982 9780120408146(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis1983O'Donnell, Martin J. 9780120408153(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis1984 9780120408160*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1985 9780120408177*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1986Scriven, Eric F. V. 9780120408184*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1987 9780120408191*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1989Turnbull, Kenneth 9780120408207*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1990 9780120408214*Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 1991Weintraub, Philip M. 9780120408221(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 19921992 9780120408252(Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis 19951995 97801205310285Transition Metal Organometallics in Organic Synthesis 9780120593026Chemical Induction of CancerArcos, Joseph C. 9780120593033Aliphatic Carcinogens 9780120593231)Aliphatic and Polyhalogenated Carcinogens Woo, Yin-Tak 9780120593521 97801205935382Natural Metal Fiber and Macromolecular Carcinogens 9780120595150The QuinolonesAndriole, Vincent T. 9780120650507Analytical Methods for Glycerol 9780120846610 9780120910755CMolecular Mechanisms and Their Clinical Application in MalignanciesBergsagel, Daniel E. 9780120923502 Spin LabelingBerliner, Lawrence J. 9780120923526 9780121059507Total Synthesis of SteroidsBlickenstaff, Robert T. 9780121070502#Reactions of Organosulfur Compounds Block, Eric 9780121208011Gas Phase Ion ChemistryBowers, Michael T. 9780121208028 9780121208035Ions and Light 9780121323974,Student's Guide to Fundamentals of Chemistry Beran, Jo A. 9780121366704&Chirality in Drug Design and Synthesis Brown, C. 9780121476601The Molecular Biology of Cancer Busch, Harris 9780121528263$Modulation by Molecular InteractionsLevine, Rodney L. 9780121708504%Spectroscopy in Biology and ChemistryChen, Sow-Hsin 9780121714017Calcium and Cell FunctionCheung, Wai Yiu 9780121714024 9780121714031 9780121714079 9780121753207:Calculator Programming for Chemistry and the Life SciencesClarke, Frank H. 9780121978020!Introduction to Clinical OncologyCrooke, Stanley T. 9780121978037Antineoplastic Agents 9780122086625Photosynthetic Reaction CenterDeisenhofer, Johann 9780122088209%Bioluminescence and ChemiluminescenceDeluca, Marlene A. 9780122198021 9780122272011Lim, Edward C. 9780122272028 9780122272042 9780122272066 9780122272073 9780122440908/Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium LiquidsEvans, Denis J. 9780122614507Cephalosporins and PenicillinsFlynn, Edwin H. 9780122667022 The ActinidesFreeman, A. 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D. 9780408107730Prostaglandins and ThromboxanesNewton, Roger F. 97804081077617Handbook of Coordination Catalysis in Organic ChemistryChaloner, Penny A 9780408108225 Chambers, C. 9780408108317Silicon in Organic SynthesisColvin, Ernest W. 97804081103100Fundamentals of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis Russ, John C. 9780408115704%Mechanisms of Chemical CarcinogenesisHathway, D. E. 9780408118101'The Organic Chemistry of Museum ObjectsRees-Jones, Stephen G 9780408175913Diffusion in LiquidsTyrrell, H. J. V. 9780408241939Liquids and Liquid MixturesRowlinson, J S 9780408700771Surface Area DeterminationEverett, D. H. 9780408700948$The Chemistry of Natural Products: 6 9780408701198Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyDagnall, R. M. 9780408701211Stone, F. G. A. 9780408701457'The Characterization of Chemical PurityStaveley, L. A. K. 9780408701778Selected Constants 9780408702188Organic Solid-State Chemistry2 Cohen, M. D. 9780408702584@International Thermodynamic Tables of the Fluid State Argon 1971 9780408703109$Chemical Transformations of PolymersRado, R. 9780408703154<XXIIIrd International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry 9780408703178 9780408703185 9780408703192 9780408703215 9780408703895Analytical Chemistry3Zugrvescu, P. Gh. 9780408704632Analytical Chemistry4Senda, Mitsugi 9780408704700Coordination Chemistry梄IVLever, A. B. P. 9780408704939&Carotenoids Other Than Vitamin A III 9780408705165Macromolecular Chemistry8 Saarela, K. 9780408705257Carbohydrate Chemistry梀II Doane, W. M. 9780408705363Control of Mycotoxins Krogh, P. 9780408705387Medicinal Chemistry桰II Pratesi, P. 9780408705516+Ab Initio Valence Calculations in Chemistry Cook, D. B. 9780408705622=International Symposium on Selective Ion-Sensitive Electrodes Moody, G. J. 9780408705660Experimental ThermodynamicsNeindre, B. 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A. 9780408707275TPlenary Lectures Presented at the Second Symposium on Inorganic Phosphorus Compounds Wan閗, W. 97804087072825The Chemistry of Nonbenzenoid Aromatic Compounds II Kreher, R. 9780408707305 Hulanicki, A. 97804087079091Kinetics and Dynamics of Elementary Gas ReactionsSmith, Ian W. M. 9780408708098Valency and Molecular Structure Cartmell, E. 9780408713061Handbook of Anion DeterminationWilliams, W John 97804087130782Solvent Extraction in Flame Spectroscopic AnalysisCresser, Malcolm S. 9780408894715Organosilicon Chemistry: 2 9780409082685Elementary Medical BiochemistryBrown, J. M. M. 9780409900033(Fixed-Bed Reactor Design and DiagnosticsRase, Howard F. 9780409900040&Gas Separation by Adsorption ProcessesYang, Ralph T. 97804099002172High-Resolution Electrophoresis and ImmunofixationKeren, David F. 97804099017571Chemical Process Structures and Information FlowsMah, Richard S.H. 9780409902211$Elementary Chemical Reactor AnalysisAris, Rutherford 9780409902617!Gas Monitoring and Pulse OximetryGravenstein, J.S. 9780409950014%Foundations of Biochemical PsychiatrySegal, David S. 97804099519367Anaphylactic Reactions in Anesthesia and Intensive CareLevy, Jerrold H. 9780433305033Chromatography Smith, Ivor 9780434984893 Murthy, S. K. 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Tipper 9780444408020*The Formation and Decay of Excited Species 97804444086174Decomposition and Isomerisation of Organic Compounds 9780444409133GReactions of Metallic Salts and Complexes, and Organometallic Compounds 9780444409362Decomposition of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds Homogeneous Decompostion of Hydrides, Decompostion of Inorganic Oxides and Sulphides; Halides and Derivatives; Metal Alkyls, Aryls, Carbonyls and Nitrosyls 9780444409379Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 9780444409447-Reactions of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds 97804444095774Ester Formation and Hydrolysis and Related Reactions 97804444105119Addition and Elimination Reactions of Aliphatic Compounds 97804444105285Electrophilic Substitution at a Saturated Carbon Atom 9780444411068Chromatography of Antibiotics!Journal of Chromatography Library%Gerald H. Wagman, Marvin J. Weinstein 9780444411556Degradation of Polymers 9780444411563JLiquid Column Chromatography A Survey of Modem Techniques and Applications< (Zdenek Deyl, Karel Macek, Jaroslav Janak 9780444412522Non-Radical Polymerisation 9780444412942Selected Elementary Reactions 9780444414274hInstrumental Liquid Chromatography A Practical Manual on High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods N.A. Parris 9780444414298*Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 7J.F. Lawrence, R.W. Frei 9780444414304*Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 68Frans M. Everaerts, Jo L. Beckers, Theo P.E.M. Verheggen 9780444414410Chromatography of SteroidsErich Heftmann 9780444415127Proton Transfer 9780444415134Gas-Phase Combustion 9780444415141+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 100V.G. Berezkin, V.R. Alishoyev, I.B. Nemirovskaya 97804444152570HPTLC High Performance Thin-Layer ChromatographyA. Zlatkis, R.E. Kaiser 9780444415806Liquid Chromatography Detectors R.P.W. Scott 9780444416056Jaroslava Turkova 9780444416483:Instrumentation for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography J.F.K. Huber 9780444416513Complex Catalytic Processes 9780444416568+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 14 T.R. Roberts 9780444416834 K.K. Unger 9780444417213JElectrophoresis a survey of techniques and applications Part A: techniquesZ. Deyl 9780444417275+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 15%Marvin J. Weinstein, Gerald H. Wagman 9780444417435KEvaluation and Optimization of Laboratory Methods and Analytical Procedures1Desire L. Massart, Auke Dijkstra, Leonard Kaufman 9780444417541075 years of Chromatography a Historical DialogueL.S. Ettre, A. Zlatkis 9780444418074Reactions in the Solid State 9780444418609Liquid-Phase Oxidation 9780444419170-Chemical Derivatization in Gas ChromatographyJ. Drozd 9780444419514&Chemical Methods in Gas Chromatography V.G. Berezkin 97804444195456Electron Capture Theory and Practice in ChromatographyA. Zlatkis, C.F. Poole 9780444420077@Chromatography of Antibiotics Second, Completely Revised Edition%Gerald H. Wagman, Matvin J. Weinstein 9780444420152Atomic Absorption SpectrometryJohn Edward Cantle 9780444420282Modern Methods in Kinetics 9780444420435Chromatography fundamentals and applications of chromatographic and electrophoretic methods Part A: fundamentals and techniques E. Heftmann 9780444420442oChromatography Fundamentals and Applications of Chromatographic and Electmphoretic Methods Part B: Applications 9780444420619+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 27 9780444420657AEnvironmental Problem Solving Using Gas and Liquid ChromatographyRobert L. Grob, Mary A. Kaiser 9780444420756.Modern Liquid Chromatography of MacromoleculesB.G. Belenkii, L.Z. Vilenchik 9780444420992RPyrolysis Mass Spectrometry of Recent and Fossil Biomaterials Compendium and Atlas5Henk L.C. Meuzelaar, Johan Haverkamp, Fred D. Hileman 9780444421104REvaluation of Analytical Methods in Biological Systems Analysis of Biogenic AminesGlen B. Baker, Ronald T. Coutts 9780444421142LElectrophoresis a survey of techniques and applications Part B: Applications 9780444421241EGradient Elution in Column Liquid Chromatography: Theory and PracticeP. Jandera, J. Churacek 9780444421456=Chromatography of alkaloids Part A: thin-layer chromatography"A. Baerheim Svendsen, R. Verpoorte 9780444422071[Evaluation of Analytical Methods in Biological Systems Hazardous Metals in Human Toxicology A. Vercruysse 9780444422651hChromatography of Alkaloids Part B: Gas-Liquid Chromatography and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography"R. Verpoorte, A. Baerheim Svendsen 9780444422873+Simple Processes at the Gas-Solid Interface)C.H. Bamford, C.F.H. Tipper, R.G. Compton 9780444422880Reactions of Solids with Gases 97804444229032Microcolumn High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Paul Kucera 9780444423542Diffusion-Limited Reactions 9780444423931+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 29 S.T. Bake 97804444240750Data Handling in Science and Technology Volume 1Richard R. Smardzewski 9780444424181HAnalysis of Neuropeptides by Liquid Chromatography and Mass SpectrometryDominic M. Desiderio 9780444424297Milos V. Novotny, Daido Ishii 9780444424419 Kinetics and Chemical Technology2C.H. Bamford, The late C.F.H. Tipper, R.G. Compton 9780444424433rThe Science of Chromatography Lectures Presented at the A J F! Martin Honorary Symposium, Urbino, May 2 7-37, 1985Fabrizio Bruner 9780444424884+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 36 M. Dressler 9780444425348jElectroanalysis Theory and Applications in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media and in Automated Chemical ControlE.A.M.F. Dahmen 9780444425508.Electrode Kinetics: Principles and MethodologyC.H. Bamford, R.G. Compton 9780444426109 9780444426604Chemometrics: A textbookFD.L. Massart, B.G.M. Vandeginste, S.N. Deming, Y. Michotte, L. Kaufman 9780444426819IOptimization of Chromatographic Selectivity A Guide to Method DevelopmentPeter J. Schoenmakers 9780444427342+Experimental Design: A Chemometric Approach$Stanley N. Deming, Stephen L. Morgan 9780444427625FChromatography of Lipids in Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnosis Arnis Kuksis 9780444428325+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 38Brian A. Bidlingmeyer 97804444285783For Laboratory Analyses and On-Line Process Control%Georges Guiochon, Claude L. Guillemin 9780444428790Electrode Kinetics: Reactions R.G. Compton 9780444428813QSelective Sample Handling and Detection in High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyR.W. Frei, K. Zech 9780444429117)Nuclear Analytical Techniques in MedicineRoberto Cesareo 9780444429513kHigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Biopolymers and Biooligomers Principles, Materials and TechniquesO. Mikes 9780444429575%Aqueous Size-Exclusion Chromatography P.L. Dubin 9780444429995>New Techniques for the Study of Electrodes and Their Reactions 9780444430052?Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry Volume 9"M. Valcarcel, M.D. Luque de Castro 9780444430342pHigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Biopolymers and Biooligomers Separation of Individual Compound Classes 97804445000765Separation Methods in Drug Synthesis and PurificationK. Valk 9780444500212 W. Kleib鰄mer 9780444500304Computational Molecular BiologyJerzy Leszczynski 9780444500397Molecular Approach to Solids!Vibrational Spectra and Structure A.N. Lazarev 9780444500618BCarbohydrate Analysis by Modern Chromatography and Electrophoresis Ziad El Rassi 9780444500953PAnalytical Determination of Nicotine and Related Compounds and their MetabolitesJ.W. Gorrod/P. Jacob III 9780444501059 Structure and Chemistry (Part F) 9780444501110Wavelets in Chemistry B. Walczak 9780444501141Uchromatography a century of discovery 1900-2000 the bridge to the sciences/technology!C.W. Gehrke, R.L. Wixom, E. Bayer 9780444501646!Applications of Kinetic Modelling 9780444501981The Essence of Chromatography Colin Poole 9780444502100Protein Liquid ChromatographyMichael Kastner 9780444502292.Theoretical Foundations of Molecular MagnetismR. Bo a 9780444502926ITheoretical Biochemistry - Processes and Properties of Biological SystemsLeif A. Eriksson 97804445038480Equations of State for Fluids and Fluid Mixtures J.V. Sengers 9780444503947%sample preparation in chrornatography"Serban C. Moidoveanu, Victor David 9780444504043!Equilibrium Structural ParametersJames R. Durig 9780444504326Capillary Electrochromatography62Zdenek Deyl, Frantiaek `vec 9780444504692#Bioactive Natural Products (Part B) 9780444505248HSeparation, Preconcentration and Spectrophotometry in Inorganic Analysis Z. Marczenko 9780444505262PThe Proteome Revisited Theory and Practice of all Relevant Electrophoretic Steps?Pier Giorgio Righetti, Alexander V. Stoyanov, Mikhail Y. Zhukov 9780444505880#Bioactive Natural Products (Part C) 9780444506061#Bioactive Natural Products (Part D) 9780444506436#Bioactive Natural Products (Part E)< 9780444506580Bioanalytical Separations Ian Wilson 9780444507068 Photomovement%Comprehensive Series in Photosciences D.P. H鋎er 97804445071675Acceleration and Automation of Solid Sample Treatment'M.D. Luque de Castro, J.L. Luque Garcia 9780444507334$Recent Advances in Hydride ChemistryM. Peruzzini/R. Poli 9780444507457Oxide Surfaces D.P. Woodruff 9780444508287>Photodynamic Therapy and Fluorescence Diagnosis in DermatologyP. CalzavaraPinton 9780444508393Sun Protection in ManP.U. Giacomoni 9780444508799=Monolithic Materials Preparation, Properties and Applications1Frantisek Svec, Tatiana B. Tennikova, Zdenek Deyl 9780444508898Valence Bond TheoryDavid L. Cooper 97804445089350Unimolecular Kinetics, Part 1: The Reaction StepNicholas Green 9780444509215#Fundamentals of Molecular CatalysisHideo Kurosawa 9780444509314<Measurement of the Thermodynamic Properties of Single Phases)Anthony Goodwin, K.N. Marsh, W.A. Wakeman 9780444509383-Evgeny Denisov/Oleg Sarkisov/G. Likhtenshtein 9780444509642>Emerging technologies in protein and genomic material analysis(Gyorgy A. Marko-Varga, Peter L. Oroszlan 9780444509727&Drug Monitoring and Clinical Chemistry Georg Hempel 9780444509734EPR in the 21st Century(Asako Kawamori/Jun Yamauchi/Hitoshi Ohta 9780444510044#Bioactive Natural Products (Part G) 97804445101051Modern Aspects of Rare Earths and Their ComplexesJV.S. Sastri/J.-C. B黱zli/J.R. Perumareddi/V. Ramachandra Rao/G.V.S. Rayudu 9780444511003 Lab-on-a-Chip#Edwin Oosterbroek / A. van den Berg 9780444511072uchromatography 6th edition fundamentals and applications of chromatography and related differential migration methods 9780444511089uChromatography 6th Edition Fundamentals and Applications of Chromatography and Related Differential Migration Methods 9780444511522!Surface Alloys and Alloy Surfaces 9780444512239Clathrochelates)Y.Z. Voloshin/N.A. Kostromina/R.K. Kr鋗er 9780444512307#Bioactive Natural Products (Part H) 9780444512499?Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory - Part 1: FundamentalsPeter Schwerdtfeger 9780444512864%Applications to Polymers and Plastics 97804445129252Analytical Pyrolysis of Synthetic Organic PolymersSerban Moldoveanu 9780444512994?Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory - Part 2: Applications 9780444513007Computational Materials Science 9780444513229 PhotochromismHeinz D黵r/Henri Bouas-Laurent 9780444513502ZNature-Inspired Methods in Chemometrics: Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural NetworksRiccardo Leardi 9780444514158#Bioactive Natural Products (Part I) 9780444514363Solid State Chemistry Richard Ropp 9780444514370Surface Dynamics 9780444514493MStructure and Dynamics of Macromolecules: Absorption and Fluorescence Studies J.R. Albani 9780444514912The Theories of ChemistryJan C.A. Boeyens 9780444515100#Bioactive Natural Products (Part J) 9780444515186MEnergetic Materials - Part 1: Decomposition, Crystal and Molecular PropertiesPeter Politzer, Jane S. Murray 97804445151934Energetic Materials - Part 2: Detonation, Combustion 9780444515278,Design and Optimization in Organic SynthesisRolf Carlson, Johan Carlson 97804445160464Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium Fluoride CompoundsAnatoly Agulyansky 9780444516534Kinetics of Multistep ReactionsFriedrich Helfferich 9780444516565Femtochemistry and Femtobiology Monique M. Martin/James T. Hynes 9780444516619Studies in Inorganic ChemistryRichard C. Ropp 9780444516626"Introduction to Laser SpectroscopyHalina Abramczyk 9780444516725Batteries for Portable DevicesGianfranco Pistoia 9780444516855DA New Unifying Biparametric Nomenclature that Spans all of Chemistry Seymour Elk 97804445171972Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry;Clifford Dykstra/Gernot Frenking/Kwang Kim/Gustavo Scuseria 97804445172107Nitrosation Reactions and the Chemistry of Nitric OxideD. L. H. Williams 9780444517654PNanophotonics: Integrating Photochemistry, Optics and Nano/Bio Materials Studies Hiroshi Masuhara, Satoshi Kawata 9780444517661Chemistry at Extreme Conditions M.R. Manaa 97804445178217Oxoacidity: Reactions of Oxocompounds in Ionic SolventsVictor Cherginets 9780444518118"Basic 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectroscopy Metin Balci 9780444518545#Bioactive Natural Products (Part K) 9780444518675New Theories for Chemistry 9780444518781Indices (Part A) 9780444519061.Nonlinearity and Chaos in Molecular Vibrations Guozhen Wu 9780444519542*Science of Heat and Thermophysical StudiesJaroslav `estk 9780444519566 G.B. Sergeev 97804445196419Surface Area and Porosity Determinations by PhysisorptionJames B. Condon 9780444519665'Information Theory of Molecular SystemsRoman Nalewajski 9780444519771>Measurement of the Thermodynamic Properties of Multiple PhasesRon D. Weir, Theo W. de Loos 9780444519948COSMO-RS Andreas Klamt 9780444520210DContemporary Aspects of Boron: Chemistry and Biological Applications3Hijazi Abu Ali, Valery M. Dembitsky, Morris Srebnik 9780444520500NQuantitation of amino acids and amines by chromatography methods and protocolsIbolya Molnar-Perl 9780444521101Computational PhotochemistryMassimo Olivucci 9780444521156The Chemistry of Evolution%R.J.P Williams/J.J.R Fra鷖to da Silva 97804445211630Physico-Chemical Analysis of Molten ElectrolytesVladimir Danek 9780444521262Optical SpectroscopyNikolai Tkachenko 9780444521507.Electrochemistry of Nucleic Acids and Proteins E. Palecek, F. Scheller, J. Wang 9780444521682Molecule-Based MaterialsLars 謍rstr鰉/Krister Larsson 9780444521712#Bioactive Natural Products (Part L) 9780444521811Statistical Design Chemometrics1Roy Bruns, Ieda Scarminio, Benicio de Barros Neto 9780444522207@Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers,Evgeni Starikov/James Lewis/Shigenori Tanaka 9780444522498Nanoplasmonics 9780444526724QFluorine and the Environment: Agrochemicals, Archaeology, Green Chemistry & WaterAdvances in Fluorine ScienceAlain Tressaud 9780444527172#Bioactive Natural Products (Part M) 9780444527370+Chemistry and Application of H-PhosphonatesKolio Dimov Troev 9780444527806DCyclodextrin Materials Photochemistry, Photophysics and Photobiology=Chemical, Physical and Biological Aspects of Confined SystemsAbderrazzak Douhal 9780444528117LFluorine and the Environment: Atmospheric Chemistry, Emissions & Lithosphere 9780444533456$Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon CompoundsN/A S. Coffey 9780444533463FSupplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds M.F. Ansell 9780444533470MSecond Supplements to the 2nd Edition of Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon CompoundsMalcolm Sainsbury 9780444720009=Direct Synthesis of Coordination and Organometallic CompoundsA.D. Garnovskii/B.I. Kharissov 9780444720023Advanced Inorganic Fluorides,Tsuyoshi Nakajima/Boris }emva/Alain Tressaud 9780444720078=Electrochemical Reactions and Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry J. Grimshaw 9780444814975Vibrational IntensitiesB.S. Galabov, T. Dudev 97804448152178Chromatography of Mycotoxins Techniques and ApplicationsVladimir Betina 9780444815385The Language of ShapeES. Hyde/S. Andersson/K. Larsson/Z. Blum/T. Landh/S. Lidin/B.W. Ninham 9780444815392dRetention and Selectivity in Liquid Chromatography Prediction, Standardisation and Phase ComparisonsRoger M. Smith 9780444816597The Data Analysis Handbook#Ildiko E. Frank, Roberto Todeschini 9780444817181@Spectrophotometry, Luminescence and Colour; Science & ComplianceChristopher Burgess 9780444818423ITrace Determination of Pesticides and their Degradation Products in WaterD. Barcel, M.-C. Hennion 9780444818683%Instrumental Methods in Food AnalysisJ.R.J. Par, J.M.R. B閘anger 9780444818959AAdaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Op< timization Problems J.H. Kalivas 9780444819352Studies in Organic ChemistryFelix Serratosa, Josep Xicart 9780444819864+Signal Treatment and Signal Analysis in NMR D.N. Rutledge 97804448206625Data Analysis and Signal Processing in Chromatography A. Felinger 9780444820679+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 59 D. Barcelo 9780444820839 Structure and Chemistry (Part C) 9780444820853Principles and PracticeMichael E. Brown 97804448208605Applications to Inorganic and Miscellaneous Materials 9780444820884From Macromolecules to ManRichard B. Kemp 97804448215777Methods for Structure Elucidation by HighResolution NMRG. Batta 97804448217136Modern Density Functional Theory: A Tool For Chemistry"Jorge M. Seminario, Peter Politzer 97804448220310Analytical Pyrolysis of Natural Organic PolymersS.C. Moldoveanu 9780444822376'Data Analysis for Hyphenated Techniques"E.J. Karjalainen, U.P. Karjalainen 9780444822543#Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives Kenji Kamide 9780444822642"Stereoselective Synthesis (Part J) 9780444822659 Structure and Chemistry (Part D) 9780444822956:Optical Spectra and Lattice Dynamics of Molecular CrystalsG.N. Zhizhin, E.I. Mukhtarov 9780444823533"Molecular Electrostatic PotentialsJ.S. Murray, K. Sen 97804448238473Structure, Fluctuation, and Relaxation in Solutions#H. Nomura, F. Kawaizumi, J. Yarwood 9780444823892TInterlaboratory Studies and Certified Reference Materials for Environmental AnalysisPh. Quevauviller, E.A. Maier 97804448239151Flow Analysis with Atomic Spectrometric Detectors A. SanzMedel 9780444824042HRecent Developments and Applications of Modern Density Functional Theory 97804448243635New Frontiers in Screening for Microbial BiocatalystsDK. Kieslich, C.P. van der Beek, J.A.M. de Bont, W.J.J. van den Tweel 9780444824370%Thermal Decomposition of Ionic SolidsA.K. Galwey, M.E. Brown 9780444824455Phosgene)Topics in Inorganic and General Chemistry,T.A. Ryan, C. Ryan, E.A. Seddon, K.R. Seddon 9780444824585"Stereoselective Synthesis (Part K) 97804448247210Modern Aspects of Diffusion-Controlled Reactions E. Kotomin 9780444824851+Low-Temperature Combustion and Autoignition M.J. Pilling 9780444825087Pauling's Legacy Z.B. Maksic, W.J. Orville-Thomas 9780444825360 Photokinetics H. Mauser 9780444825940+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 607Zdenek Deyl, Ivan Miksik, Franco Tagliaro, Eva Tesarova 97804448259646Optical, Electric and Magnetic Properties of MoleculesD.C. Clary/B.J. Orr 9780444826060+Kinetics of Homogeneous Multistep Reactions 9780444826206DHandbook of Fourier Transform Raman and Infrared Spectra of PolymersA.H. Kuptsov, G.N. Zhizhin 9780444826602Theoretical Organic Chemistry C. P醨k醤yi 97804448276853Growth and Properties of Ultrathin Epitaxial LayersD. A. King, D. P. Woodruff 97804448280646Electrochemistry at Metal and Semiconductor ElectrodesN. Sato 9780444828156 Structure and Chemistry (Part E) 97804448283160Sample Handling and Trace Analysis of Pollutants D. Barcel 9780444828378Molecularly Imprinted Polymers B. Sellergren 97804448285381Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part B20A[B.G.M. Vandeginste, D.L. Massart, L.M.C. Buydens, S. De Jong, P.J. Lewi, J. Smeyers-Verbeke 9780444829023Radiation ChemistryC.D. Jonah, B.S.M. Rao 9780444829108Molecular Dynamics%Perla B. Balbuena, Jorge M. Seminario 9780444829139Biomarkers in Marine Organisms1Ph. Garrigues/H. Barth/C.H. Walker/J.-F. Narbonne 9780444829245Solid State NMR of PolymersI. Ando, T. Asakura 9780444829542 Radioactivity in the Environment V. Valkovi 9780444829986 M.J. Bogusz 9780444871473GSeparation Methods for Antimicrobials, Antivirals and Enzyme Inhibitors Gerald H. Wagman, Raymond Cooper 9780444871589-analytical arfifacts GC, MS, HPLC, TLC and PCBrian S. Middleditch 9780444872708_Advanced scientific computing in BASIC with applications in chemistry, biology and pharmacologyP. Valko, S. Vajda 9780444873637'Reactions at the Liquid-Solid Interface 9780444873644GElectron Tunneling in Chemistry Chemical Reactions Over Large Distances 9780444874511+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 50T. Hanai 9780444880147)Flow Injection Analysis A Practical GuideBo Karlberg, Gil E. Pacey 9780444881649Synthetic and Natural Phenols J.H.P. Tyman 9780444882097 I.S. Krull 9780444882189,Receptor modeling for air quality managementPhilip K. Hopke 9780444882325.ion chromatography principles and applicationsPaul R. Haddad, Paul R. Haddad 9780444882363vFundamentals and Applications of Chromatography and Related Differential Migration Methods Fundamentals and Techniques 9780444882370Chromatography, 5th edition Fundamentals and applications of chromatography and related differential migration methods: Part B: Applications 9780444883278K. Zech, R.W. Frei 9780444885050\Chromatography and Modification of Nucleosides Biological Roles and Function of Modification#Charles W. Gehrke, Kenneth C.T. Kuo 9780444885401Chromatography and Modification of Nucleosides Analytical Methods for Major and Modified Nucleosides: HPLC, GC, MS, NMR, UV and FT-IR 9780444885982|Chromatography and Modification of Nucleosides Modified Nucleosides in Cancer and Normal Metabolism Methods and Applications 9780444886231PCs for chemistsJ. Zupan 9780444887948JHyphenated Techniques in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and ExtractionK. Jinno 9780444888020%Kinetic Models of Catalytic Reactions 9780444888570;Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Materials Analysis H. Saisho 97804448894921Scientific Computing and Automation (Europe) 1990E.J. Karjalainen 9780444890306Bioaffinity Chromatography 9780444890788#Hazardous Metals in the Environment M. Stoeppler 9780444891112+Experimental design: a chemometric approach 9780444892010 Rolf Carlson 9780444892072*Intelligent software for chemical analysis,Lutgarde M.C. Buydens, Peter J. Schoenmakers 9780444894304'Physical Chemistry of Polymer SolutionsK. Kamide/T. Dobashi 9780444894335+Journal of Chromatography Library Volume 52 S.E.Y. Li 9780444895080-Analytical Applications of Circular DichroismN. Purdie, H.G. Brittain 9780444895295WMethods for Experimental Design Principles and Applications for Physicists and ChemistsJacques L. Goupy 9780444895691 T. Sugimoto 9780444895998RVibrational Spectra: Principles and Applications with Emphasis on Optical ActivityP.L. Polavarapu 9780444896018kSampling of Heterogeneous and Dynamic Material Systems Theories of Heterogeneity, Sampling and Homogenizing Pierre M. Gy 9780444896483EEnvironmental Analysis Techniques, Applications and Quality Assurance 9780444897091SRobustness of Analytical Chemical Methods and Pharmaceutical Technological Products,M.M.W.B. Hendriks, J.H. de Boer, A.K. Smilde 97804448972441Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part A20B[D.L. Massart, B.G.M. Vandeginste, L.M.C. Buydens, S. De Jong, P.J. Lewi, J. Smeyers-Verbeke 9780444897763(Chromatography in the Petroleum Industry E.R. Adlard 9780444897831MMultivariate pattern recognition in chemometrics, illustrated by case studiesRichard G. Brereton 9780444898661@Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry Volume 16M. Valcarcel, Luque de Castro 9780444898678.Trace Element Analysis in Biological SpecimensR.F.M. Herber, M. Stoeppler 9780444899552,Quality Assurance for Environmental Analysis)Ph. Quevauviller, E.A. Maier, B. Griepink 97804448995690Multivariate Analysis of Data in Sensory ScienceT. N鎠, E. Risvik 9780444899811Zcarbohydrate analysis high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis 9780444987327,Gas Chromatography in Air Pollution Analysis"Viktor G. Berezkin, Yuri S. Drugov 9780444987334Harald Rotzsche 9780444987426Catastrophe Theory 9780444987839 Biosensors< "Frieder Schelfer, Florian Schubert 97804449879522Mechanism and Kinetics of Addition Polymerizations 97804449950701Polymer Characterization by Liquid ChromatographyGottfried Glockner 9780444997234UHand book of Laboratory Distillation With an Introduction to Pilot Plant Distillation Erich Krell 9780444998576Detectors In Gas Chromatography Jiri Sevcik 9780444998781Extraction ChromatographyT. Braun, G. Ghersini 9781855738003'Carcinogenicity of Inorganic Substances Duffus, J H 9781855738010%Chemistry Energy and the EnvironmentSequeira, C A C 9781855738287Progress in Ion ExchangeDyer, A 9781898563167Mossbauer SpectroscopyMaddock, A. G. 9781898563389#Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry Barrett, J 9781898563396&Symmetry and Group theory in ChemistryLadd, M 9781898563419&Reaction Mechanisms of Metal ComplexesHay, R W 9781898563471)Experimental Inorganic/Physical Chemistry Malati, M A 9781898563501Ions in Solution Burgess, J 9781898563600Fundamental Chemical Kinetics Wright, M R 9781898563631Crystal Structures 9781898563716!Concise Chemistry of the ElementsSiekierski, S C 9781898563761Topology in Chemistry Rouvray, D H 9781898563808(Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry Pletcher, D 9781898563839Practical Sonochemistry Mason, T J 9780080444659'Spin-stand Microscopy of Hard Disk DataElectromagnetismIsaak D. 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97804448987463Protocol Specification Testing and Verification XII Linn, R.J. 9780444898814Micromechanics 9780444899019Towards Verified Systems'RTSCS/Real-Time Safety Critical Systems Bowen, J. 9780444899187%Mechanics of Materials and Structures 9780444986900$Vibrations and Waves (Part B: Waves) Kaliski, S. 9780444987006Foundations of MechanicsBazanski, Stanislaw 9780444987303 MechanicsSkalmierski, B. 9780444987631Strength of Structural Elements< Brzoska, Zbigniew 9780444988218"Digital Control of Electric Drives5SEEE/Studies in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Koziol, R. 9780444988300+Stress Analysis by Boundary Element Methods Balaa, J. 9780444988683*Stability in the Dynamics of Metal CuttingChiriacescu, S.T. 9780444988935(Stresses in Layered Shells of Revolution Kovarik, V. 9780444989079/Theory of Plasticity and Limit Design of Plates Sobotka, Z. 9780444989291@Soil Mechanics of Earthworks Foundations and Highway EngineeringHSM/Handbook of Soil Mechanics 97804449975488Mathematical 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D. 9780750600156 9780750600279'The Maplin Electronic Circuits HandbookTooley, Michael 9780750600682)Electronic Circuits Systems and Standards 9780750601306Automatic Test Equipment 9780750601399The Chaos FrontierStacey, Ralph D. 9780750601412Information Technology Carter, Roger 9780750601573Optoelectronics Circuits Manual 9780750601955'Newnes Circuit Calculations Pocket BookDavies, Thomas J. 9780750602228'NEWNES Electronics Assembly Pocket Book 9780750602280&Diode Transistor & Fet Circuits Manual 9780750602341-Newnes Audio and Hi-Fi Engineer's Pocket Book 9780750602358Manufacturing CellsWilliams, David J 97807506023721Science Technology and European Cultural Heritage Baer, N.S. 9780750602792Microprocessor System DesignSpinks, Michael J. 97807506031404The IEE Wiring Regulations Explained and IllustratedScaddan, Brian 9780750603546&The Control of Fat and Lean Deposition Boorman, K.N. 9780750604215Animal Cell Technology Spier, R. E. 9780750604772 9780750604895 9780750605045The Rainflow Method in Fatigue Murakami, Y. 9780750605359Logic Designer's Handbook 9780750605403Mechanics of Elastic Contacts SACKFIELD, A. 9780750605892!Soldering in Electronics Assembly Judd, Mike 9780750606110Brodowicz, Kazimierz 9780750606141)Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology Baert, Luc 9780750606912 9780750607490Software Engineer's Pocket Book 9780750607582-Instrumentation and Test Gear Circuits Manual 9780750608046Electric Wiring Coker, A. J. 9780750608060Emergency Lighting Lyons, X. 9780750608114WEATHERALL, ALAN 9780750608138"Software Engineer's Reference BookMcDermid, John A 9780750608541$Reliability Maintainability and RiskSmith, David J 9780750608688The Art of Linear ElectronicsHood, John Linsley 9780750609197(Newnes Mechanical Engineer's Pocket BookTimings, Roger 9780750609241+Understand Electrical and Electronics Maths Bishop, Owen 9780750609296Newnes Electronics ToolkitPhillips, Geoff 9780750609302In朇ircuit TestingBuckroyd, Allen 9780750609371(NEWNES Electronics Engineers Pocket Book 9780750610056Cooling Towers Hill, G. B. 9780750610094*Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Alloys Duerig, T W 9780750610100Engineering Geological MappingDearman, W. R. 9780750610155Plant Engineer's Reference BookSNOW, DENNIS A 9780750610193 Safety in the Process Industries King, Ralph 9780750610469#Dynamics of Fixed Marine StructuresBarltrop, N. D. P. 9780750610537Seawall Design Thomas, R. S. 9780750610704Compliant Offshore Structures 97807506110533Safety in Industrial Microbiology and BiotechnologyCollins, C. H. 9780750611404Offshore Electrical EngineeringGerrard, G. T. 9780750611428 The Circuit Designer抯 Companion 9780750611459"Vacuum Technology and ApplicationsHucknall, David J. 9780750611787$Near Miss Reporting as a Safety Toolvan der Schaaf, T.W. 9780750611954$Mechanical Engineer's Reference BookSmith, Edward H. 9780750612029 Jones, G R 9780750612210 SupershedsWilkinson, Chris 9780750612623 Weck, Manfred 9780750612678Aerodynamics of Road VehiclesHucho, Wolf-Heinrich 9780750612784Airport TerminalsBlow, Christopher J. 9780750614894Basic Fracture Mechanics Smith, R N L 9780750614993Molecular Fabric of Cells TheBIOTOL 9780750616454Electrical Safety EngineeringFordham Cooper, W 9780750616683 9780750616775CMultiple Choice Questions in Electronics and Electrical Engineering DAVIES, T J 9780750616904Quality Systems Handbook 9780750617291)Newnes Communications Technology Handbook Lewis, Geoff 9780750617499$Satellite Communications Pocket BookIng, Eur 9780750618373$Notes on Instrumentation and Control Roy, G. J. 9780750618410-Practical Digital Electronics for Technicians Kimber, Will 9780750618557Op朅mp Circuits Manual 9780750619363(Engineering Processes for BioseparationsWEATHERLEY, LAURENCE R. 9780750619653Engineering in Rock Masses Bell, F G 9780750619998 9780750620017-NEWNES Audio and Hi-Fi Engineer's Pocket Book 9780750620024Analog Circuits Cookbook 9780750620475Electronic Circuit Design IdeasLakshminarayanan, V. 9780750620536 9780750620925Modern TTL Circuits Manual 9780750621007Understand Electronics 9780750621212Audio IC Projects 9780750621359Engineering Science 9780750621687 9780750621816Audio ElectronicsLinsley Hood, John 97807506219604Electrical Principles and Technology for Engineering Bird, John 9780750622554Process ControlLipt醟, B閘a G. 9780750623315 9780750626019Test Gear and MeasurementsStewart, Danny 9780750674447IDigital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Smith, Steven 9780750690195%Airport Aircraft and Airline Security 9780750690287CCTV Surveillance 9780750691109 Slurry Flow Shook, C A Digital Press 9780750691178/Laminar Flow and Convective Transport Processes 9780750691192Business of BiotechnologyOno, R. 9780750691215%Adsorption Calculations and Modelling 9780750691666 9780750691734Microhydrodynamics Kim, Sangtae 9780750691772Understanding Lens SurfacingBrooks, Clifford 9780750691840Pease, Robert A. 9780750691857,Interfacial Transport Processes and Rheology 9780750692236Revitalizing US Electronics Sprague, John 9780750692267!Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers 9780750692366 Adler, Pierre 9780750692618*Rotating Fluids in Engineering and Science Vanyo, J P 9780750693172 Dostal, Jiri 9780750694445-The Law and Strategy of Biotechnology PatentsSibley, Kenneth D. 9780750694681 Nelson, J C C 9780750694841/International Progress in Precision EngineeringIkawa-Smith, Fumiko 9780750695077-Simplified Design of Switching Power Supplies Lenk, John 9780815514411Rheology Modifiers Handbook 97808513907411The Architecture of the Well-Tempered EnvironmentBanham, Reyner 9780851398372Foundation DesignHodgkinson, Allan 9780851398532Handbook for Clerks of WorksGreater London Council 9780852951712Fluid Mixing II Edwards, M.F. 9780852951729)Ergonomics Problems in Process Operations 9780852951743/First U.K. National Conference on Heat Transfer 9780852951750 9780852952054Process OptimisationWalters, J. K. 9780861030583CAD82 Pipes, Alan 9780932376886Kermit 9780946395620LThe European Electronics Industry Towards 1992 - A Profile of Market Leaders 9780946395873QA Practical Guide to the Selection of High-Temperature Engineering Thermoplastics Collyer, A.A. 9780948577390'International Electronics Directory '90Wedgwood, C. G. 9780948577406 9781483104874 West EuropeWilson, Kenneth F. 9781483105253-Hitchhikers' Guide to Electronics in the '90sManners, David 9781483135496Bearings Neale, M. J. 9781483135540Meeting the Pump Users Needs 9781483232720$Studies in Mathematics and Mechanicsvon Mises, Richard 9781483283678Wind Engineering Cermak, J. 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H. 9780080033723'Current Algebras and Their Applications Renner, B. 9780080035666)Educational Electronics Equipment 1967-68 9780080063881 9780080064246Technology UnboundRivkin, Steven R. 9780080065502!Advances in Aeronautical SciencesVon K醨m醤, Th. 9780080066073XThe Promotion of the Relationship between Research and Industry in Mechanical Production Kienzle, O. 9780080067506=The Study of Metal Structures and Their Mechanical Properties Wood, W. A. 9780080068534&Engineering Drawing from the BeginningCousins, M. F. 9780080069319Propulsion Re-Entry Physics Lunc, MichaB 9780080091921Radio StationsChappel, G. A. 9780080093765 9780080094991Semiconducting III朧 Compounds Hilsum, C. 9780080095615Theory of Elastic Thin ShellsGol'Denveizer, A. L. 9780080095882)The Dynamics of Automatic Control Systems Popov, E. P. 9780080096971Hydrogen in SteelSmialowski, Michael 9780080097022Topics in Engineering LogicNadler, Morton 9780080097695'Ship Magnetism and the Magnetic CompassMerrifield, F. G. 97800800986858Rare Metal Extraction by Chemical Engineering TechniquesJamrack, W. D. 9780080099828@Problems in the Design and Development of 750 MW TurbogeneratorsAnempodistov, V. P. 9780080100104Computing MethodsBerezin, I. S. 9780080101255Mechanics of Liquids and GasesLoitsyanskii, L. G. 97800801017430Electronic Amplifiers for Automatic CompensatorsPolonnikov, D. Ye. 9780080101972Heat Transfer in Structures Schuh, H. 9780080102337+Sampling Systems Theory and Its ApplicationTsypkin, Ya. Z. 9780080102375Excitation Control Ulanov, G. M. 9780080102535$High Sensitivity Counting Techniques Watt, D. E. 9780080102573/Measurements for Stresses in Machine ComponentsYakovlev, V. F. 97800801026898Propagation of Radio Waves at Frequencies below 300 Kc/sBlackband, W. T. 9780080102917Hydraulics and Fluid MechanicsSilvester, Richard 9780080103037Mechanics of AutomobilesBarnacle, H. E. 9780080103112Analytic TrigonometryBruce, William J. 9780080103563 The Stability of Elastic SystemsBritvec, S. J. 9780080103976JAn Introduction to the Statistical Theory of Classical Simple Dense Fluids Cole, G.H.A. 9780080104270The Common Sense of Singing Baker, George 9780080104997Public CleansingStirrup, F. L. 9780080106779Signal Flow Analysis 9780080108278'Solid Circuits and Microminiaturization 9780080108353 En 1 to En 20 9780080108391 9780080109442$Linear Elastic Theory of Thin Shells Gibson, J. E. 9780080110066>Probability and Information Theory with Applications to RadarWoodward, P. M. 9780080110646-American Microelectronics Data Annual 1964-65 9780080110714-Introduction to Electronic Analogue ComputersWass, C. A. A. 9780080110899Transistor ElectronicsRumpf, Karl-Heinz 9780080111056General Studies Finch, Ian J. 9780080111759The Stability of Frames Horne, M. R. 9780080112169Elementary Mechanics of Solids Benham, P. P. 9780080113050"Cargo Handling and the Modern Port Oram, R. B. 97800801132341Materials Technology in Steam Reforming Processes Edeleanu, C. 9780080113531Science Industry and the StateTeeling-Smith, G. 9780080114118+Laplace Transforms for Electronic EngineersHolbrook, James G. 9780080114330+Introduction to the Theory of Flow Machines Betz, Albert 9780080114774PModulation Resolution and Signal Processing in Radar Sonar and Related Systems Benjamin, R. 9780080114873High-Power ElectronicsKapitza, P. L. 9780080115047Ship Stabilizers 9780080115160%An Introduction to Timber EngineeringAndrews, H. J. 9780080116549Basic Theory of StructuresBrowne, J. S. C. 9780080116921Tall Buildings Coull, A. 9780080116976Fatigue Design Procedures Gassner, E. 97800801171198Accounting for Price-Level Changes桾heory and ProceduresGynther, R. S. 97800801204924Heat Flow Below 100癒 and Its Technical Applications,The International Institute of Refrigeration 9780080120614Theory of Beams IwiDski, T. 9780080120805&24 Worked Engineering Drawing Examples Jones, A. J. 9780080121116FPrinciples of Electrical Transmission Lines in Power and CommunicationGridley, J. H. 9780080122496The Digital Computer Parton, K. C. 9780080122632#Technology for Underdeveloped AreasBaranson, Jack 97800801227793The Geological Evolution of Australia & New Zealand 9780080122892Paper in the Printing Processes Banks, W. H. 9780080124094Liquid Helium Technology 9780080125312Tertiary EducationPeterson, A. D. C. 9780080125947(Lighting Fittings Performance and Design Bean, A. R. 97800801259784Structure and Application of Galvanomagnetic Devices Weiss, H. 9780080127293The Control of Indoor Climate Angus, T. C. 9780080129785Symmetrical Components Myatt, L. J. 9780080130019%Heating and Cooling Load Calculations Down, P. G. 9780080132754*Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Smith, I. E. 9780080133676"Intermetallic Semiconducting Films Wieder, H. H. 9780080133911.The Theory and Practice of Vocational GuidanceHopson, Barrie 9780080134376Russian Orthography James, C. V. 9780080134413Separation of FlowChang, Paul K. 9780080136745Frequency Modulation TheoryFagot, Jacques 9780080137476"The Flight of Uncontrolled RocketsGantmakher, F. R. 9780080138411 Telemechanics Malov, V. S. 97800801568118Mechanical Technology for Higher Engineering Technicians Black, Peter 9780080158532Warm Air Heating Kut, David 97800801606031Mechanical Boilers Fuel- and Ash-Handling Plant 9780080161181Basic Principles of Electronics 9780080163864Chemistry for Technologists 9780080165660=International Conference on Structural Safety and ReliabilityFreudenthal, Alfred M. 9780080166964DNew Approaches to the Design and Economics of EHV Transmission Plant Jones, Brian 9780080167503Dust Control and Air Cleaning Dorman, R. G. 9780080168203Modern Control EngineeringNoton, Maxwell 9780080170336Engineering Field TheoryBaden Fuller, . J. 9780080172774Child Psychiatry ObservedGore, Elizabeth 9780080176550KBilingual Guide to Business and Professional Correspondence: German-EnglishHarvard, J< oseph 9780080177755(Fundamentals of Biochemical Pharmacology 97800801806948Electronic Engineering Applications of Two-Port NetworksGatland, H. B. 9780080180878*Job's Illness: Loss Grief and Integration 9780080181660The Impact of Noise PollutionBugliarello, George 9780080182346 9780080182940 9780080183107Basic Electric Circuits 9780080187426&Personal Aircraft Business at AirportsBollinger, Lynn L. 9780080187556-An Introduction to Biomedical InstrumentationDewhurst, D. J. 9780080188546The Chemistry of Germanium 9780080189598!Elementary Heat Transfer Analysis 9780080196022 Geotechnology 9780080197449Casework in ContextTilbury, D. E. F. 9780080197975!Worked Examples in Turbomachinery Dixon, S. L. 9780080198170 Solar Energy Messel, H. 9780080198552%Electronics桭rom Theory Into Practice 9780080198569 9780080203645%The Dynamical Behaviour of StructuresWarburton, G. B. 9780080203812JA Reference Book of English Words and Phrases for Foreign Science Students Price, R. F. 9780080203980!Citizen Participation in Planning Fagence, M. 9780080206226"Gaseous Electronics and Gas LasersCherrington, Blake E. 97800802064480Energy and the Environment Cost-Benefit Analysis Karam, R.A. 9780080208572DEnergy in an Age of Limited Availability and Delimited Applicability 9780080208954)An Approach to Teaching Autistic ChildrenEverard, Margaret P. 9780080210278Energy and Economic MythsGeorgescu-Roegen, Nicholas 9780080210315Radio GalaxiesPacholczyk, A. G. 9780080210445>Tunnelling and Negative Resistance Phenomena in Semiconductors Roy, D. K. 9780080211510Assessment Through InterviewingShouksmith, G. 9780080212296Machine Takeover George, Frank 9780080212814The Measurement of Air FlowOwer, E. 9780080212951Large Engineering Systems Wexler, Alvin 9780080213026Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication 9780080213323 Time and Man Elton, L.R.B. 9780080214757Educreation and Feedback 9780080215433Oral DiagnosisTyldesley, W. R. 9780080215518%Plankton & Productivity in the OceansRaymont, J. E. G. 9780080217086Genmix 9780080219233'Railroad Track Mechanics and TechnologyKerr, Arnold D. 9780080220109#Multivariable Technological Systems 9780080220123:Case Studies in Automation Related to Humanization of WorkRijnsdorp, J. E. 9780080220130/Urban Regional and National Planning (UNRENAP) Hasegawa, T. 97800802201472Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Leonhard, W. 97800802201548Information-Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology Oshima, Y. 9780080220185(Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Banks, S. P. 9780080221427Analysis and MechanicsTaplin, D.M.R. 97800802243500Technology Transfer and Change in the Arab World Zahlan, A. B. 9780080224497.Road Passenger Transport: Road Goods Transport Munby, D. L. 9780080226781>Proceedings of the Sixth New England Bioengineering Conference Jaron, Dov 9780080226958*Flow Mixing and Heat Transfer in Furnaces Khalil, K. H. 97800802270304Principles of Metal Surface Treatment and Protection Gabe, D. R. 9780080227115District HeatingMacKenzie-Kennedy, C. 9780080227375Plastic Theory of StructuresHorne, Michael R. 9780080229928Strategies for Europe 97800802322253Automatic Controls for Heating and Air ConditioningLetherman, K. M. 9780080232430Current Issues in EnergyStarr, Chauncey 9780080232560$Advances in Concrete Slab Technology 9780080232751 Thin Shells 9780080233444%Communication: The Essence of ScienceGarvey, William D. 97800802338577Migrant Workers in Western Europe and the United StatesPower, Jonathan 9780080238135 Chemical Plant and Its Operation Cook, T. M. 9780080238364>The Mathematical Understanding of Chemical Engineering SystemsAmundson, Neal R. 9780080240718&Between the Lines of the Balance SheetGreener, Michael 9780080242491 9780080243818Milking Machines Lowe, F. R. 9780080244020 Insect ClocksSaunders, D. S. 9780080244204&Visual Perception: Theory and Practice Caelli, Terry 9780080244495Automatic Control in Space Munday, C. W. 9780080244525=Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1979 Rembold, U. 9780080244556iCriteria for Selecting Appropriate Technologies under Different Cultural Technical and Social ConditionsDe Giorgio, A. 9780080247496 9780080247502 9780080247564Movements in Buildings Lenczner, D. 9780080247632Knitting TechnologySpencer, David J. 97800802490700The Case-Control Study Consensus and ControversyIbrahim, Michel A. 9780080249193Fish Aquaculture Meske, C.P.B. 9780080254371-Engineering Applications of Fracture AnalysisGarrett, G. G. 9780080254432Mechanics of SolidsHopkins, H. G. 9780080254647Mechanical Working of MetalsHarris, John Noel 9780080256597fDirectory of Institutions and Individuals Active in Environmentally-Sound and Appropriate TechnologiesMaxwell, Robert 9780080256771.Combined Production of Electric Power and HeatIUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Electric Power 9780080256832,Trends and Progress in System IdentificationEykhoff, Pieter 9780080259260Living Embryos Cohen, Jack 9780080262994?Transnational Corporations Technology Transfer and DevelopmentSagafi-nejad, Tagi 9780080264929!Turbulent Buoyant Jets and PlumesRodi, Wolfgang 9780080267098BAutomatic Control in Power Generation Distribution and Protection Herbst, J. F. 9780080267203=Control Problems and Devices in Manufacturing Technology 1980Ellis, T. M. R. 97800802674940Digital Computer Applications to Process Control Isermann, R. 9780080267753The European ConnectionBailey, Richard 9780080273174GPneumatic and Hydraulic Components and Instruments in Automatic ControlLeskiewicz, H. J. 9780080275703!Computers in Materials Technology Ericsson, T. 9780080275833System Identification 97800802760765Multilingual Glossary of Automatic Control TechnologyBroadbent, D. T. 9780080276182)Theory and Application of Digital ControlMahalanabis, A. K. 9780080281605(The Japanese Approach To Product Quality Sasaki, N. 9780080286709Advances in Cement Technology Ghosh, S. N. 9780080286914Progress in Fracture Mechanics Sih, G. C. 9780080291482<Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics for Engineers 9780080293288Automatic Control in Space 1982Van Woerkom, P. Th. L. M. 97800802934868Analysis Design and Evaluation of Man Machine Systems Johannsen, G. 9780080293509,Control Aspects of Prosthetics and OrthoticsCampbell, R. M. 9780080293578<Computer Aided Design of Multivariable Technological SystemsLeininger, G. G. 9780080293615Babary, Jean-Pierre 9780080293653!Control in Transportation Systems Klamt, D. 9780080295176*Managerial Decision Making with TechnologyMonger, Rod F. 9780080297934Introduction to Crop HusbandryLockhart, J. A. R. 9780080299464=Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1982 Hardt, D. E. 9780080299785/Modelling and Control of Biotechnical Processes Halme, A. 97800802997923Systems Approach to Appropriate Technology Transfer Fleissner, P. 9780080299808%Real Time Digital Control ApplicationAlonso-Concheiro, A. 9780080299914:Components and Instruments for Distributed Control Systems Binder, Z. 9780080301457Recent DevelopmentsHall, C. William 97800803053635Control in Power Electronics & Electrical Drives 1983 Zwicky, R. 9780080305417Perspectives in Creep Fracture 97800803055788Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1983 Basar, T. 97800803056536Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1983 Landau, I. D. 9780080305738(Electrical Machines & their Applications Hindmarsh, J. 9780080305745AApplications of Nonlinear Programming to Optimization and Control Rauch, H. E. 9780080305776Optical Fibres< Geisler, J. 9780080309873)University-Industry Research InteractionsFusfeld, Herbert I. 97800803111801Design of Work in Automated Manufacturing Systems Martin, T. 9780080311388*Surface Treatment & Finishing of Aluminium King, R.G. 9780080311449Reverse Osmosis Hoornaert, P. 9780080311630.Modelling and Control of Electric Power PlantsMaffezzoni, C. 9780080316659>Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization Di Pillo, G. 9780080318660$Welding for Challenging EnvironmentsWelding Institute of Canada 97800803199950Techniques in Bioproductivity and Photosynthesis Coombs, J. 9780080325323Engineering Materials 2 9780080325545Paul, M. 9780080325569Automatic Control in Space 1985Chretien, J. P. 97800803255768Computer Aided Design in Control and Engineering SystemsLarsen, P. Martin 97800803256513Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes Johnson, A. 97800803256684Analysis Design & Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems Mancini, G. 9780080325750#Model Error Concepts & Compensation Skelton, R.E. 9780080326931=Eurit 86: Developments in Educational Software and Courseware Moonen, Jef 9780080334318+Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes 1985 Unbehauen, H. 9780080334387&Control in Transportation Systems 1986Etschmaier, M.M. 97800803344006Current Advances in Mechanical Design & Production IIIBayoumi, S. E. A. 9780080334523Stochastic Control Sinha, N.K. 9780080334738,Control Science & Technology For Development Yang Jiachi 9780080339139"Education Industry and TechnologyWaddington, D. J. 9780080339504%Energy Resources in Science Education Kirwan, D. F. 9780080340623Residual Stresses 9780080340630AReliability of Instrumentation Systems for Safeguarding & Control 9780080340777#Power Systems & Power Plant ControlWang, P. 97800803408526Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1986 Astr鰉, K.J. 9780080340975Technology朆ased Training Labinger, M 9780080341972/Automation and Instrumentation for Power PlantsRamamoorty, M. 9780080343402,Microcomputer Application in Process Control Adali, E. 9780080343495Simulation of Control SystemsBreitenecker, F. 9780080348001#Skill Based Automated Manufacturing Br鰀ner, P. 9780080349152@Contributions of Technology to International Conflict Resolution Chestnut, H. 9780080349176BDynamics and Control of Chemical Reactors and Distillation Columns McGreavy, C. 9780080349930NEducational Technology - its Creation Development and Cross-cultural Transfer Thomas, R.M. 97800803572706Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1989 Durrani, T.S. 9780080357355Model Based Process Control McAvoy, T.J. 9780080357362+Trends in Control and Measurement Education 9780080357386-Computer Aided Design in Control Systems 1988 Chen, Zhen-Yu 9780080357423Robot Control 1988 (SYROCO'88) 9780080357430;Analysis Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1989Hu, B. 97800803613521Power Systems: Modelling and Control ApplicationsCalvaer, A. J. 9780080362267;Analysis Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1988 Ranta, J. 9780080366203Robust Adaptive Control Goodwin, G.C. 9780080369297*Production Control in the Process Industry O'shima, E. 9780080369372,Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control Rodd, M. G. 9780080370231=Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1989 Puente, E.A. 97800803702554Control Computers Communications in Transportation Perrin, J.-P. 9780080370279#Automatic Control in Aerospace 1989 Nishimura, T. 9780080370347?Advanced Information Processing in Automatic Control (AIPAC'89) Husson, R. 9780080370361-Control of Distributed Parameter Systems 1989 Amouroux, M. 9780080370392*Power Systems and Power Plant Control 1989Ahn, U. 9780080371887)Microprocessors & their Operating Systems 97800803719935Current Advances in Mechanical Design & Production IV Kabil, Y. H. 9780080375298BInternational Conflict Resolution Using System Engineering (SWIIS) 97800803753808Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies 1989Christodoulakis, N.M. 9780080378695CControl Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization 1989Siguerdidjane, H.B. 9780080378701)Distributed Computer Control Systems 1989 Motus, L. 97800804018501Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 1989 Li, Hua-Tian 9780080402765Periodic Precipitation 9780080405049*Distributed Databases in Real-Time Control Rodd, M.G. 9780080406152Analysis and Design Methods 9780080407425Single-mode Optical FibresCancellieri, G. 9780080409351'Intelligent Tuning and Adaptive ControlDevanathan, R. 9780080409580"Advances in Control Education 1991Franklin, G.F. 9780080412634Automatic Control 1990 Jaaksoo, 9780080412672+Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 1991 Najim, K. 9780080412733EMathematical and Control Applications in Agriculture and HorticultureDay, W. 9780080412757DFault Detection Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes 1991Freyermuth, B. 9780080412764Robot Control 1991 Troch, I. 97800804169841Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 1991 97800804169917Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control 1991 Fleming, P.J. 9780080417042.Expert Systems in Mineral and Metal Processing Niemi, A. J. 9780080417080)Distributed Computer Control Systems 1991 Kopetz, H. 9780080417110SDynamics and Control of Chemical Reactors Distillation Columns and Batch Processes Balchen, J.G. 9780080417158#Automatic Control in Aerospace 1992 DeBra, D.B. 97800804171726Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1992 Dugard, L. 97800804186507Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 6 9780080418971=Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1992 Zaremba, M.B. 9780080419008;Analysis Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1992 Stassen, H.G. 9780080419022!Design Methods of Control Systems Franke, D. 97800804205097Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control 1992 9780080420578!System Structure and Control 1992 Strejc, V. 9780080420585)Motion Control for Intelligent Automation De Carli, A. 9780080420615oA Cost Effective Use of Computer Aided Technologies and Integration Methods in Small and Medium Sized CompaniesKopacek, Peter 97800804206397Interactions Between Process Design and Process Control Perkins, J.D. 9780080420660&Rock Testing and Site Characterization 9780080420684.Surface and Underground Project Case HistoriesHoek, E. 9780080422299+Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 1994 Bonvin, D. 9780080422305"Advances in Control Education 1994 Ichikawa, A. 9780080422343DIntelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications 1994 Banyasz, Cs. 9780080422381;Automatic Control in Aerospace 1994 (Aerospace Control '94)Schaechter, D. 9780080423586)Integration of Process Design and Control Zafiriou, E. 9780080423609JComputer Software Structures Integrating AI/KBS Systems in Process Control Arzen, K.-E. 9780080423616Integrated Systems Engineering 9780080423661$Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 1995 Koskinen, K. 9780080423678,New Trends in Design of Control Systems 1994 Mikles, J. 9780080423685_Dynamics and Control of Chemical Reactors Distillation Columns and Batch Processes (DYCORD'95)Rawlings, J.B. 9780080423708;Analysis Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems 1995Sheridan, T.B. 9780080423715%Nonlinear Control Systems Design 1995 Krener, A.J. 9780080423746QSafety Reliability and Applications of Emerging Intelligent Control TechnologiesNg, T.S. 97800804237536Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1995 9780080423777&Computer Applications in Biotechnology Munack, A. 9780080425894#Advances in Automotive Control 1995 Guzzella, L. 9780080425986CControl Applications in Post-Harvest and Processing Tech< nology 1995De Baerdemaeker, J. 9780080503158,Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency 9780080509136 9780080515571 Quantum Semiconductor StructuresWeisbuch, Claude 9780080516288Bowick, Christopher 9780080516677 Science and Technology of Rubber Mark, James 9780080523958'Manufacturing Engineer's Reference Book KOSHAL, D. 9780080570907Human Factors in Aviation Wiener, Earl 9780080571089Human Motor ControlRosenbaum, David 9780080571225Forensic EngineeringSlosson, James 9780080572086;Solutions Manual to accompany Engineering Materials Science 9780080885797"Affect Cognition and Stereotyping Mackie, Diane 9780080924458'Dissipative Structure & Weak TurbulenceManneville, Paul 9780080926056 Air Pollution Stern, Arthur 9780080926063 9780080938127(Marine Electrical Equipment and Practice MCGEORGE, H D 97800810336307Introduction to Control System Performance Measurements Garner, K. 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Ludema 9780444427540$Microstructure and Wear of MaterialsKarl-Heinz Zum Gahr 97804444285613Fluid Film Lubrication - Osborne Reynolds Centenary+D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, M. Godet, D. Berthe 9780444500328!Molybdenum Disulphide Lubrication A.R. Lansdown 9780444500335!Tribology for Energy ConservationgD. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs, G. Dalmaz, Y. Berthier, L. Flamand, J.-M. Georges, A.A. Lubrecht 9780444502674nLubrication at the Frontier: The Role of the Interface and Surface Layers in the Thin Film and Boundary Regime|D. Dowson, M. Priest, C.M. Taylor, P. Ehret, T.H.C. Childs, G. Dalmaz, Y. Berthier, L. Flamand, J.-M. Georges, A.A. Lubrecht 9780444505033"Multi-Level Methods in LubricationC.H. Venner, A.A. Lubrecht 9780444505316*Thinning Films and Tribological Interfaces|D. Dowson, M. Priest, C.M. Taylor, P. Ehret, T.H.C. Childs, G. Dalmaz, A.A. Lubrecht, Y. Berthier, L. Flamand, J.-M. Georges 9780444505583Micro Mechanical Transducers!Handbook of Sensors and ActuatorsMinhang Bao, S. Middelhoek 9780444505811?Tribology Research: From Model Experiment to Industrial Problem.G. Dalmaz, A.A. Lubrecht, D. Dowson, M. Priest 9780444506498Human Friendly Mechatronics)Eiji Arai / Tatsuo Arai / Masaharu Takano 9780444507464#Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries.D.A.J. Rand/P.T. Moseley/J. Garche/C.D. Parker 9780444508829Capture Pumping TechnologyK. Welch 97804445096978Boundary and Mixed Lubrication: Science and Applications.D. Dowson, M. Priest, G. Dalmaz, A.A. Lubrecht 9780444510471.Six Sigma Quality for Business and Manufacture Joseph Gordon 9780444510860The Classical Stefan Problem S.C. Gupta 9780444510921&Lubricated Wear Science and TechnologyA. Sethuramiah 9780444511027>Stochastic Dynamics: Modeling Solute Transport in Porous MediaDon Kulasiri, Wynand Verwoerd 9780444511553Godunov-type Schemes V. Guinot 97804445124378Tribological Research and Design for Engineering Systems/D. Dowson, A.A. Lubrecht, G. Dalmaz, M. Priest 9780444512963"Tribochemistry of Lubricating Oils Z. Pawlak 9780444513182Tribology of Elastomers Si-Wei Zhang 97804445142712Non-Linear Theory of Elasticity and Optimal Design L.W. Ratner 9780444514356;Uncertain Input Data Problems and the Worst Scenario Method7Ivan Hlavacek, Jan Chleboun, Ivo Babuska, Jan Achenbach 9780444515896!Experimental Methods in Tribology@Gwidon W. Stachowiak, Andrew W. Batchelor, Grazyna B. Stachowiak 9780444516169.Analysis and Design Principles of MEMS Devices Minhang Bao 9780444516879Life Cycle Tribology 9780444517067 Transient Processes in Tribology 97804445175628An Intelligent System for Tribological Design in EnginesX.J. Zhang, C.L. Gui 9780444518132BSystems and Human Science - For Safety, Security and DependabilityT. Arai/S. Yamamoto/K. Makino 9780444518804$Tribology in Electrical Environments H. Prashad 9780444521620-Tribology and Biophysics of Artificial Joints9L.S. Pinchuk, V.I. Nikolaev, E.A. Tsvetkova, V.A. Goldade 9780444533326Impact Wear of MaterialPeter A. Engel 9780444704870Interface Dynamics 9780444720016$Measuring Current, Voltage and Power5K. Iwansson, G. Sinapius, W. Hoornaert, S. Middelhoek 9780444815835#Mechanics of Geomaterial InterfacesA.P.S. Selvadurai, M.J. Boulon 9780444816849Friction Surface PhenomenaGeorge P. Shpenkov 9780444817068Materials Processing DefectsS.K. Ghosh, M. Predeleanu 9780444817648"Dissipative Processes in Tribology;D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs, M. Godett, G. Dalmaz 9780444818010-New Insulators, Devices and Radiation Effects Instabilities in Silicon DevicesG. Barbottin, A. Vapaille 9780444818157@Planning, Design, and Analysis of Cellular Manufacturing Systems%Manufacturing Research and Technology&A.K. Kamrani, H.R. Parsaei, D.H. Liles 97804448193079Mechanics of Transformation Toughening and Related TopicsB.L. Karihaloo, J.H. Andreasen 9780444821706$The Theory of Singular PerturbationsE.M. de Jager, J.F. Furu 97804448226110Semiconductor Sensors in PhysicoChemical StudiesL.Yu Kupriyanov 9780444822635TLubricants and Lubrication Proceedings of the 21th leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology0D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs, G. Dalmaz 9780444823380.Damage and Interfacial Debonding in CompositesG.Z. Voyiadjis, D.H. Allen 9780444823496Damage MechanicsD. Krajcinovic 9780444823632Micro Mechanical SystemsT. Fukuda, Wolfgang Menz 9780444823663Hydrodynamic Lubrication7J. Fr阯e, D. Nicolas, B. Degueurce, D. Berthe, M. Godet 9780444825025?The Third Body Concept Interpretation of Tribological Phenomena 97804448267010Advanced Methods in Materials Processing DefectsM. Predeleanu, P. Gilormini 9780444827906!Mercury Cadmium Telluride Imagers A.C. Onshage 9780444828095SElastohydrodynamics - '96 Fundamentals and Applications in Lubrication and Traction 9780444874016Tribology of Miniature SystemsZygmunt Rymuza 9780444874351'Tribological Design of Machine Elements D. Dowson 9780444874450[Tribology of Plastic Materials Their Characteristics and Applications to Sliding ComponentsYukisaburo Yamaguchi 9780444881465+Rheology a< nd Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication B.O. Jacobson 9780444884015Encyclopedia of Tribology#C. Kajdas, S.S.K. Harvey, E. Wilusz 9780444884954Materials For TribologyWilliam A. Glaeser 9780444884985Hydrostatic LubricationR. Bassani, B. Piccigallo 9780444886767Mechanics of Coatings D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, M. Godet 9780444887962Vehicle Tribology 9780444888709Coatings Tribology(TIES/Tribology and Interface Engineering Holmberg, K. 9780444890184-Wave Propagation in Layered Anisotropic Media A.H. Nayfeh 9780444892355Engineering TriBologyG.W. Stachowiak, A.W. Batchelor 9780444893369-Wear Particles: Frorn the Cradle to the Grave:D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs, M. Godet, G. Dalmaz 97804448947932Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates, Shells and Disks&M.A. Save, C.E. Massonnet, G. de Saxc 9780444895158Intelligent Sensors H. Yamasaki 9780444895639,Finite Elements, Electromagnetics and Design S.R.H. Hoole 9780444897558Engine Tribology C.M. Taylor 9780444897893Thin Films in Tribology 97804448979853Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Recent DevelopmentsA. Raouf, M. Ben-Daya 9780444986740Lubricants and Special FluidsVaclav Stepina, Vaclav Vesely 9780444997685Tribology of Thin Layers Ivan Iliuc 9780750619592Adsorption Technology & DesignBarry Crittenden, W John Thomas 97807506240399Mechatronics Volume 2: Concepts in Artifical IntelligenceJeffrey Johnson, Philip Picton 9780750624985Engineering ContractsROBERT RIBEIRO 9780750625302 D A Taylor 9780750626286Understand Electronic Filters Owen Bishop 9780750626293'High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers Ben Duncan 9780750626620&Protection of Industrial Power Systems T. DAVIES 9780750627245Electrical Machines and Drives John Hindmarsh, Alasdair Renfrew 9780750627825Electrostatic HazardsG黱ter Luttgens, Norman Wilson 9780750628563Digital Storage Oscilloscopes 9780750632775*Selection and Use of Engineering Materials(F A A Crane, J A Charles, Justin Furness 9780750633550EMC at Component and PCB LevelMartin O 'Hara 9780750633567%Valve and Transistor Audio AmplifiersJohn Linsley Hood 9780750634298=Fuzzy Controllers Handbook: How to Design Them, How They Work Leon Reznik 9780750635417+Computational Methods in Process Simulation W F Ramirez 9780750635455MIKE JUDD, Keith Brindley 9780750635530"An Elementary Guide To Reliability!G. Dummer, R. Winton, Mike Tooley 9780750635899SMT Soldering HandbookRUDOLF STRAUSS 9780750636254Smithells Light Metals HandbookE A Brandes, G B Brook 9780750636346 E. Kuffel, W S Zaengl, J. 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Keith Mobley 9780750674959Techniques for Adaptive ControlVance VanDoren 9780750674973.Fire Protection Engineering in Building DesignPlant Engineering Jane Lataille 97807506749807Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies 97807506749970Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and Control 9780750675222IShared Earth Modeling: Methodologies for Integrated Reservoir SimulationsJOHN R FANCHI, PH.D. 9780750675314)An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance 97807506753452Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design Stuart Ball 9780750675352Just-In-Time Math for Engineers)Archibald Fripp, Jon Fripp, Michael Fripp 9780750675437CBebop to the Boolean Boogie: An Unconventional Guide to Electronics 9780750675451!Compressors: Selection and SizingRoyce N. 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Solids Sangwal, K. 9780444870247'Silicon Processing for Photovoltaics II Khattak, C.P. 9780444870742*III-V Semiconductorn Materials and Devices Malik, R.J. 9780444870872*Shallow Impurity Centers in SemiconductorsBaldereschi, A. 9780444872852,Interlaminar Response of Composite Materials Pagano, N.J. 97804448728698Application of Fracture Mechanics to Composite Materials Friedrich, K. 9780444873170'Introduction to Solid State Electronics 9780444873613IEcological Assessment of Environmental Degradation Pollution and Recovery Ravera, O. 97804448741466Superconducting and Low-Temperature Particle Detectors Waysand, G. 9780444874276Welding Theory and Practice Olson, D.L. 9780444874504Non-Destructive Testing Boogaard, J. 9780444880062High Tc Superconductors Bongers, P.F. 9780444882721Electrotechnology in Mining Marinovic, N. 9780444883742Atomic Mechanics of SolidsMacpherson, A.K. 9780444884053>Constitutive Equations for Anisotropic and Isotropic Materials Smith, G.F. 9780444884299 Defect Control in Semiconductors Sumino, K. 9780444886200Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy Kasper, E. 9780444888259AFrontiers of Materials Research: Electronic and Optical Materials Kong, Meiying 9780444888648*Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials Kihara, J. 9780444888846 High Tc Superconductor Materials Kaldis, E. 9780444889195)Advances in Production Management Systems Eloranta, E. 9780444889706HHigh Temperature Corrosion of Advanced Materials and Protective Coa< tings Saito, Y. 9780444890795Advances in Composite Tribology 9780444891075Rapidly Quenched MaterialsFredriksson, H. 9780444891389Hydrogen in Semiconductors Stutzmann, M. 9780444893536*High Temperature Superconductor Thin Films Correra, L. 9780444893543Solid State Ionics Tuller, H.L. 9780444893550#Non-Stoichiometry in SemiconductorsBachmann, K.J. 9780444894557*Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 1991 McGuire, G.E. 9780444895714&Nuclear Materials for Fission Reactors Matzke, H. 9780444895721/Modifications Induced by Irradiation in Glasses Mazzoldi, P. 9780444897916Non-destructive Testing '92 Hallai, C. 9780444898692&Optimal Design with Advanced Materials Pedersen, P. 9780444899002*Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 1992 9780444899088@Semiconductor Materials Analysis and Fabrication Process Control Crean, G.M. 9780444899347]The Pocos De Caldas Project: Natural Analogues of Processes in a Radioactive Waste Repository Chapman, N.A. 9780444899590Hot Isostatic Pressing '93 Delaey, L. 9780444899705Modern Approaches to Plasticity Kolymbas, D. 97804448999107Advances in Engineering Plasticity and its Applications Lee, W.B. 9780444899941(Ion Implantation Technology: Proceedings Downey, D.F. 9780444986702FElectromagnetic Compatibility in Underground Mining: Selected ProblemsMiskiewicz, K. 9780444988607Mining ModelingEhrenberger, V. 9780444989383%Design of Underground Hard-coal Mines Pazdziora, J. 97807204070683Magnetism and Metallurgy of Soft Magnetic Materials Chem, C.W. 97807204175797Computed Electron Micrographs And Defect IdentificationDefects in Crystalline Solids Head, A.K. 9780750638852 9780815512783:High Performance Thermoplastic Resins and their CompositesBeland, Sylvie 9780815513001%Handbook of Chemical Vapor DepositionPierson, Hugh O. 9780815513087Concrete MaterialsPopovics, Sandor 97808155132232Epoxy Resins Curing Agents Compounds and Modifiers 9780815513247(Carbon - Carbon Materials and CompositesBuckley, John D. 97808155133913Handbook of Carbon Graphite Diamonds and Fullerenes 9780815513551Ceramic Cutting ToolsWhitney, E. Dow 9780815514251'Asphalt Materials and Mix Design Manual Kett, Irving 9781851668137*Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 1990Sartwell, B.D. 9781851669851Metallurgical Coatings 1988 Krutenat, R 9782842992866!Introduction to Materials Science Mercier, Jean 9780080025971 Silicates Espe, Werner 9780080031101/Strength and Failure of Visco-Elastic MaterialsBartenev, G. M. 97800800341406An Introduction to Metallurgical Laboratory TechniquesOrmandy, P. G. 9780080064215 Wendt, F. W. 97800800656492The Science Technology and Application of Titanium Jaffee, R. I. 9780080067544BBibliography on the Fatigue of Materials Components and Structures 9780080069982(Structure and Crystallization of Glasses Vogel, Werner 9780080094175High Temperature MetallographyLozinskii, M. G. 9780080095950ConcreteAkroyd, T. N. W. 9780080097299Fatigue of MetalsForrest, P. G. 97800801010640Design Principles of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools 9780080102238$Deformation of Metals During RollingTarnovskii, I. Ya. 9780080102672>Hard Metals Production Technology and Research in the U.S.S.R.Bashkirov, S. I. 9780080103068!Problems in Strength of MaterialsBelyayev, N. M. 9780080105802)High Temperature Structures and MaterialsFreudenthal, A. M. 9780080106762Powder MetallurgyTsukerman, S. A. 9780080108216(The Solvent Extraction of Metal Chelates Star, JiY 9780080110097Metallurgical AchievementsAlexander, W. O. 9780080112497 The Structures of Alloys of IronHume-Rothery, W. 97800801141491The Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials Biggs, W. D. 9780080114613Strength of MaterialsIlyushin, A. A. 9780080115559 9780080115702Modern Metallography 9780080116150+The Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials Gibson, R. 9780080116358'The Ore Minerals and Their Intergrowths Ramdohr, Paul 9780080119953)Plastics as Corrosion-Resistant Materials Evans, V. 97800801206836The Identification of Vat Dyes on Cellulosic MaterialsDerrett-Smith, D. A. 9780080121604!Analysis of Copper and Its Alloys 9780080155685Chemistry and Metallurgy 9780080157115(Applied Science in the Casting of Metals Strauss, K. 9780080157863,An Introduction to the Theory of Diffraction Ball, C. J. 9780080160962"An Introduction to Ceramic ScienceBudworth, D. W. 9780080161570/Theory of Experiments in Paramagnetic Resonance Talpe, Jan 9780080164014Nuclear Structure Theory Irvine, J. M. 9780080170626$Dislocations and Plastic Deformation Kov醕s, I. 9780080172378-Deformation Geometry for Materials Scientists Reid, C. N. 9780080179551Phase Transitions - 1973 9780080180526(Electrical Conduction in Solid Materials Suchet, J. P. 9780080196855)The Recycling and Disposal of Solid WasteHenstock, Michael E. 9780080197371Wear of Metals 97800802086405Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics and KineticsUpadhyaya, G. S. 97800802095312Modified Polymers Their Preparation and Properties Romanov, A. 9780080213675-Polymerization of Heterocycles (Ring Opening) Penczek, S. 9780080217130 9780080221137#Properties of Ceramic Raw MaterialsRyan, W. 9780080221267&An Introduction to Chemical Metallurgy Parker, R. H. 9780080221366>Advances in Research on the Strength and Fracture of Materials 9780080221380#The Physical Metallurgy of Fracture 9780080221403Taplin, D. M. R. 9780080221441Applications and Non-Metals 9780080221465Fracture and Society 9780080223711ZList of Standard Abbreviations (Symbols) for Synthetic Polymers and Polymer Materials 1974 9780080227054*Calculated Electronic Properties of MetalsMoruzzi, V. L. 9780080227146Analysis of Welded StructuresMasubuchi, Koichi 9780080232188The Iron Blast Furnace Peacey, J. G. 9780080237756%Monographs on Fragrance Raw MaterialsOpdyke, D. L. 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C. 9780080261676Fatigue DesignOsgood, Carl C. 9780080263373Macromolecular SolutionsSeymour, Raymond B. 9780080267265,Anodic Oxidation of Aluminium and Its Alloys Henley, V F 9780080273112Metal-Hydrogen Systems 9780080276212Pressure Diecasting Upton, B. 9780080276250Ion Implantation Into Metals Ashworth, V. 9780080287119Ceramic Raw Materials Worrall, W E 9780080293585#Specialty Steels and Hard Materials Comins, N. R. 9780080293844 Hashin, Zvi 9780080299877)Stereospecific Polymerization of Isoprene 97800803057692Nickel & Cobalt Extraction Using Organic Compounds5EPOS/European Patent Office Applied Technology Series Jacobs, J. J. 9780080311456&Inorganic Fibres & Composite Materials Bracke, P. 9780080316406'Strength of Metals and Alloys (ICSMA 7)McQueen, H. J. 9780080316420 9780080316512)Decomposition of Alloys: The Early Stages Haasen, P. 9780080316598Fracture and Fracture Mechanics Tait, R. B. 9780080316796"Metal Forming and Impact Mechanics Reid, S. 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R. 9780080357676WCIM/Proceedings of Metallurgical Society of Canadian Institute of Mining and MetallurgyKachaniwsky, G. 9780080357706 Ruddle, G. E. 9780080358765Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality and Process Control in the Reduction and Casting of Aluminum and Other Light Metals Winnipeg Canada August 2326 1987Macmillan, D. W. 9780080358826 Salter, R.S. 9780080360874eProceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Software in Chemical and Extractive MetallurgyThompson, W.T. 9780080360904LProceedings of the International Symposium On: Advanced Structural MaterialsWilkinson, D.S. 9780080360935OProceedings of the International Symposium on Reduction and Casting of AluminumBickert, Christian 97800803609976Direct Rolling and Hot Charging of Strand Cast Billets Jonas, J.J. 9780080362212 Farley, J. M. 9780080364483+Production and Processing of Fine ParticlesPlumpton, A. 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